Le tour du monde: nouveau journal des voyages
(The World Tour: A New Journal of Travels) Édouard Charton, ed.
Paris: Librairie Hachette et Cie, 1860–1914.

New York: The Van Benthuysen Printing House, 1874.

from Indian Motorcycle, Hendee Manufacturing Co Springfield, Mass: 1916.
"Pictures reach audiences more directly than text alone. They communicate the author’s tone and approach to the subject, and enhance our understanding and enjoyment of the text. Illustrations explain complicated ideas at a glance and even teach those who cannot read.
Pictures add beauty, color, and life to the printed page. They engage us, prompt our imagination, and appeal to readers and non-readers alike. Explore the power of pictures through these examples from the Smithsonian Institution Libraries’ collections in science, history, and art."
- The Smithsonian Picturing Words: The power of Book Illustration
- Direct link to the thumbnail page (this is a hefty load even on ADSL)
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