Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Kohler Artist Books

The left-handed punch King - book arts

'The Left-Handed Punch King'
Roy Ronald Fisher, 1986

Neo Emblemata Nova - artist book

'Neo Emblemata Nova'
Daniel E.Kelm, 1990

MayBow's Book Arts Jargonator

'MayBow's Book Arts Jargonator'
Dan Mayer and Ed Lebow, 2000.

The Owl-phabet of Art : book artist

'The Owl-phabet of Art'
JoAnna Poehlmann, 1999.

Rondo - an artist book

'Rondo - an artist book'
Stephen Vincent and Deborah Bruce, 1989.

Soft Impressions - artist book

'Soft Impressions'
Laurie Stein Bush, 1972.

Polar Projections - book art

'Polar Projections'
Timothy Ely, 1986.

Polar Projections - artbook

'Polar Projections'
Timothy Ely, 1986.

Ikhnaton - artist book

Marta Gomez, 2002.

Codex Seraphinianus

'Codex Seraphinianus'
Luigi Serafini, 1983.

African Proverbs from Nigeria - book arts

'African Proverbs from Nigeria'
Amos Paul Kennedy Jr. 1992

Face to Face - contemporary wood engraving compilation

'Face to Face - twelve contemporary American artists interpret
themselves in a limited edition of original wood engravings'
Robert Hauser and Michael McCurdy, 1985.
(featuring John de Pol and Dard Hunter)

High Tension - artist book

'High Tension'
Philip Zimmerman, 1993.

Regional Museum bookart

'Regional Museum'
Studebaker Livingston Hoche, 2001.

Fire: Investigations: The Four Elements

'Fire: Investigations: The Four Elements'
Timothy Ely, 1989.

The University of Wisconsin have a new site: Artists' Book Collection-
"This database is an illustrated, descriptive index to the Artists’ Book Collection, located in the Kohler Art Library, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Presently, the Artists’ Book Collection contains over 800 titles. The database indexes approximately 760 of those titles, over 500 of which have one to four images to visually represent the structure and/or content of the book. With the goal to create a “visual finding aid” to the entire Artists’ Book Collection, the database will be expanded and updated on a periodic basis."


Robert G. said...

The wood engraving above 'Face to Face - twelve contemporary American artists interpret... is The Engraver by Ray Gloekler. There is an entire book retrospective of his work published by The Elvehjem Museum of Art called Ray Gloekler: Master Printmaker.

Great blog. Keep up the good works.

peacay said...

Thanks Robert. I have a strong deja vu feeling about that wonderful Gloeckler print - but that feeling is something of a BibliOdyssean side affect.

No wonder his woodcut is among the collection - he graduated from Wisconsin University as a pharmacist but went back to teach in the Art dept. [book]

Dactilar said...

Contratulations for your blog! Amazing, inspirational. I love it!

With your permision I have include a post to your blog in:

I hope you agree!


misteraitch said...

Timothy Ely’s stuff always looks so fascinating—I would love to get a close-up look at one of his one-off books. I like the look of that 'Neo Emblemata Nova' thing as well. Also, someone has taken the considerable trouble of scanning the whole of the Codex Seraphinianus and presenting it on-line

peacay said...

Thanks dactilar!

Aah...I knew there was a Serafini copy on flickr. I was attempting to restrain myself from posting it to the front page. And yeah, it is a pity about the emblemata book - I couldn't find any more images around.

Interestingly, Timothy Ely instructs at the same facility as Daniel E. Kelm (emblemata); together with a couple of other names I recognise: The Garage Annexe School in Massachusetts.

Unknown said...

That Codex Seraphinianus set may be swiped from this Flickr site:

Or vice versa. But the Flickr one seems more likely to be the original.

Unknown said...

......And I missed the comment above. Ahem.

Anonymous said...

I love the horse to the right below the owl, athena. Alexander had a horse named Bucephalus and did you know that Bucephalus was one of Socrates friends in Greece? Your blog is great, I hope you will check mine out too. I am an intuitive sensitive with many talents and gifts, I would love to discuss some of these things with you. thank you.

genevieve said...

Hallo PK. As usual simply stunning.
I browsed here and noticed the Otis link is out of date - I went searching and found you a new one.
THanks again for all the marvellous work - going to blog some Revelations pics later on.

peacay said...

Thanks Genevieve! I fixed the link and went to go back to the original post but I'd already updated that one! Cheers.

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