Monday, August 16, 2010

The Nun's Scrum

Jørn's Folly

"Utzon made a building well ahead of its time, far ahead of available technology, and he persevered through extraordinary malicious publicity and negative criticism to build a building that changed the image of an entire country. It is the first time in our lifetime that an epic piece of architecture has gained such universal presence."
[Frank Gehry, when Utzon was awarded the prestigious Pritzker Prize in 2003]

Concept designs, architectural specification drawings and layout plans for a random backyard shed, scanned from a selection of books published in the semi-recent past.

editorial cartoon


christie! said...

Think I might have to make one of these pictures my background. :) I adore architectural drawings.

MeganH said...

Aw....hello Sydney Opera House. I really am quite fond of that weird old building (tho I'm in Melbourne, you grow up with images of it)

Lango Aurelian said...

A consummate icon. These drawings are a fascinating insight into genius of the design.

breakfaust said...

What books are these scanned from?

peacay said...

breakfaust, I don't recall exactly but maybe you should email me.

Animesh Kulkarni said...


Ramón said...

La mitología de la Arquitectura dice que los difíciles encuentros de las superficies fueron resueltos por... un joven arquitecto español, llamado Rafael Moneo.

Kate said...

Hi peacay,

Thanks for replying to my previous comment on my very short blog.

I was just a wee bit surprised to see such relatively recent drawings on your blog. Mind you, I have not been keeping up-to-date with any blogs of late.

The blog you commented on was set up as part of a learning course at my previous work.

I still love the Hexandrian images and your blog.


peacay said...

Kate, if you want more in the way of specifics, you're welcome to drop me a line: peacay at the gmail dotted com.

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