Picture books from 1810 to 1950
'Het Gouden Prentenboek' [1898 - 1948] by Piet Worm, 1948
'Wat Hansje Zag' by Dick Poortvliet,
illustrated by van Douwe Nieuwenhuis, 1948
illustrated by van Douwe Nieuwenhuis, 1948
'Uit Huis en Hof' by Konrad Mullerfurer, 1921
'Aapjes-Land' by Ajo, 1923
'1898-De Koningin op Reis-1923', published in Amsterdam, 1923
'De Gouden Haan' by Marietje Witteveen, 1940
'De Olifanten en de Muisjes - Naar het Hoogduitsch' by Agatha, 1876
'De Drie Katjes - met Rijmpjes' by Alice Becht-Dentz, 1905
'De Reis Naar de Maan' by PJ Andriessen, 1876
'Avontuur van Keesje Holland' by Piet Broos, 1945
'De Koningin der Poppen', printed in Amsterdam, 1867
'De Circus' by Ant. L. de Rop, 1890
'De Luchtballon van Godard en Kermisvreugde'
published by A Tjaden, 1875
published by A Tjaden, 1875
'De Wilgen by Adama van Scheltema', illustrated by Rie Cramer, 1918
'Dieren Prentenboek: Silhouetten' by Reyer Stolk, 1945
'Generaal Jan Klaasen' by Beata, 1896
'Juffrouw Ruffel en Hare Zeven Geleerde Poesjes',
published in Utrecht, 1823
published in Utrecht, 1823
'Het Theesalet van Pieteloet' by Agatha, 1860
'Het Prentenboek der Sporten' by Yvonne, 1912
'Landelijke Tafereelen' published by J Scholz, 1860s
'Iconomanie of Zoo Maken de Kinderen een Prentenboek',
published by J. van Egmond, 1869
published by J. van Egmond, 1869
'Levend Speelgoed. Een Grappige Droom'
by B.E. van Osselen-van Delden, 1903
by B.E. van Osselen-van Delden, 1903
'Het Feest van Koning Beer' by Louis Moe, 1930
'Een Vogel Zong een Tooverlied',
illustrated by Ursula Schumacher, story by Nora Heggen, 1942
illustrated by Ursula Schumacher, story by Nora Heggen, 1942
'Eerste en Laatste' by El Pintor, 1943
'Feest in het Bosch', story by Jac. van der Klei, illustrated by D. Viel, 1927
'Snakerijen van Tijl Uilenspiegel' by D. Dekker, 1873
'Gouden Vlinders', text by S. Franke, illustrated by Lou Loeber, 1927
'Goede Vriendschap' by Oscar Pletsch, 1870
'Het ABC voor Holland's Kleintjes met 156 Plaatjes'
by Daan Hoeksema, 1923
by Daan Hoeksema, 1923
'De Struwelpetertjes - Piet de Smeerpoets, De Wreede Karel',
illustrated by Daan Hoeksema, 1927
illustrated by Daan Hoeksema, 1927
'Piet Durf, Hoe Wonderlijk het hem Verging bij het Oplaten van Zijn Vlieger'
by M.P. Rosmade, 1881
by M.P. Rosmade, 1881
'Verkeers-Prentenboek' by Willy Planck, 1926
[Click through to full sized images; the above array is no particular order]
"Within the framework of youth literature, picture books occupy a special place. In picture books, the images are just as important as the texts. They are by no means intended exclusively for young children. Old picture books reflect the views people held about good and evil, poor and rich; about education, with examples of dutiful and bad behaviour; about love for one’s own country and about people from foreign countries. They illustrate a changing world of new inventions and modes of transport, of living and fashion, of daily life in towns and villages. There is both humour and moralism to be found in children’s books; they play with the relationship between reality and fantasy.
A total of six hundred and fifty Dutch picture books, dating to the period 1810–1950, are brought together in this collection, which runs the gamut from Robinson Crusoe to Tielse Flipje (a cartoon mascot on ‘De Betuwe’ jam pot labels) and from old nursery rhymes to fairy tales from the Brothers Grimm: there is something for everyone in the collection."
The Memory of The Netherlands portal assembles a multi-institutional collection of Dutch children's literature (full books) in their 'Picture Books From 1810 to 1950' website. All the navigational aids [eg. themes] and some of the notes are in English. It's a bumper collection.
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Great stuff!! Thanks!
So beautiful. Thanks so much for sharing.
THIS is why you are on my treasures list :)
thank you so much for sharing
How wonderful! Many, many thanks!
Fantastic ! Thanks...:)
Amazing images. Thanks for sharing.
- Nanjundorkkiniyan
Its great info love to know all this keep sharing..!
you always have such great taste
I challenge anyone to look through these and not smile. Delightful!
these are beautiful :)
thank you!
taa said: "great collection! Just the visual inspiration I needed today as I work on designs"
(original comment deleted because of wanton self linking while I have a headache)
Wauw wat een schitterende collectie, I am Dutch and it is wonderfull, thank you (first comment is in Dutch)
beautiful, beautiful covers!
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