Friday, August 04, 2006

Norse Edda from Iceland

'Sæmundar og Snorra Edda' is the name (however accurate or otherwise) given to a 1760 Icelandic manuscript by Ólafur Brynjúlfsson.

There are two major sources that chronicle the legends of Norse mythology.

The 'Poetic Edda' (or 'Sæmundar Edda' or 'Elder Edda') is a collection of alliterative poems (Edda) from the 13th century Icelandic Codex Regius. [Erroneously attributed to a 12th century Icelanic priest, Sæmundar Sigfússon - so sayeth the modern scholars]. The poems are thought to date from the 10th century.

The 'Younger Edda' (or 'Prose Edda' or 'Snorri Edda'), which includes a narrative of Norse mythology and a manual for understanding the nuances of the alliterative poetics, was written by the Icelandic historian and parliamentarian, Snorri Sturluson, also in the 13th century.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Victorian Music Covers

There's More To Follow -
The Great Topical Song, 1880s

Matrimonial Galop, 1860s

The Pelican Lancers, 1880s

The Londoner's Lament, 1878

Liszt, Liszt, Oh Liszt! 1844

The Juvenile Comic Quadrille on Popular Airs,
Arranged for Little Players, 1870s

Tabby Polka, 1880s

The Crystal Fountain Polka, 1851

The Gay Photographer, 1880s

Grand Exhibition March, 1876
(view of the right and left bank of the Seine in Paris)

Crockery Ware 1880s

It is with some surprise that I admit that I actually went through and looked at all 806 of the Victorian era sheet music covers in Reading University's Spellman Collection via the wonderful Arts and Humanities Data Service (AHDS) Visual Arts University College, UK. The vast majority are described as 'humorous' and quite a few are really funny. Never let it be said that Victorian Britain did not have a sense of humour the ridiculous.

Put 'Spellman Collection' in the image search box - results are thumbnail pages. [link updated March 2015]
Previously: American sheet music covers.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Frisian Historical Childrens Books

The Frisian Historical and Literary Centre in Holland have 266 pages of old childrens books in a good quality flash site
. I think some of the books range back to the 18th century. Click 'inhoud' for an index of the books (well nearly half of them anyway). Click the book icon below the viewing window to open up a large jpeg page image in another window/tab or use the zoom features below the image. The relevant page number is in the URL of each of the above illustrations.


Georg von Welling 1719

"Ripley-Rolle - manuskrypt XVI w."
[I really have no idea but I wonder if this is meant to be after Richard Rolle (?)]
{It's actually: Ripley Scroll}

[See: the later BibliOdyssey post on the Ripley Scroll]

Homo Zodiacus in: 'Guild Book of the Barber Surgeons of York', 15th century.

Johann Daniel Mylius 1618 [I, II, III, IV]

Freemasonry 1754

Jakob Böhme 1682

Jakob Böhme 1682 (previously and at Giornale Nuovo)

Abraham von Franckenberg 1639
(disciple, student and biographer of Jakob Böhme)

(after) Ramon Llull 1470

An eclectic mix of esoterica purloined from the Polish site, Gnosis.
The above images come from the Iluminatornia section of the site.

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