The first plate of the regalia : the open pall, the supertunica of cloath of gold, the surcoat of crimson sattin, a armilla, the colobium sindonis, a buskin, a sandall, the spurrs, the ampulla or eaglet, the anointing spoon, King Edwards Chair in which his Majestie was crownd, curtana or the sword of mercy, the second sword, the third sword.
The second plate of the regalia : St. Edward's crown, The crown of state, the orbe, the queens circle, the crown wherwith the queen was crowned, the rich crown, the king's coronation ring, St. Edward's staff,..., the Queen's scepter.

Duke of Ormond; the scepter with the dove, borne by the
Duke of Albemarle;...gentlemen pensioners.

of sweet herbs & flowers, strewing the way;
the deans beadle of Westin; the high constable of
Westminster; a fife; drums; the drum major.

supplying the place of Garter; Duchesses, in number eight; a duke.

over against Whitehall, at their Majesties coronation Apr. 1685.
[click images for full size versions]
The History of the Coronation Of the Most High, Most Mighty, and Most Excellent MONARCH, JAMES II. By the Grace of GOD, KING of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, DEFENDER OF THE FAITH, &C. And of His Royal Consort QUEEN MARY: Solemnized in the Collegiate Church of St. PETER in the City of WESTMINSTER, on Thursday the 23 of April, being the Festival of St. George, in the Year of Our Lord 1685.
With an Exact Account of the several Preparations in Order thereunto, Their MAJESTIES most Splendid PROCESSIONS, and Their Royal and Magnificent FEAST in WESTMINSTER-HALL. The Whole WORK Illustrated with SCULPTURES. By his Majesties Especial Command. By FRANCIS SANDFORD Esq; Lancaster Herald of Arms. In the Savoy: Printed by Thomas Newcome, One of His Majesties Printers. 1687.
All the images from the festival book, The History of the Coronation of James II, are online at NYPL.
Originally I found example images at Octavo Books - they have the complete work online together with some background commentary. But the images are smaller; the actual text is only occasionally readable anyway.
Trivia: Samuel Pepys held one of the 4 canopy poles covering the King during the procession. 1445 meat dishes were consumed at the party. James II was removed from the throne by the Glorious Revolution a year after the publication of this book. Sandford died later in a debtor's prison, partly as a result of this book having such a small market.
Thanks. Fair point. It is an 'issue' I've been thinking about. I did actually reduce the number of posts on the page by 1 a couple of days ago.
There are a few other factors that come into play however. First, with an rss reader only fresh posts need ever be seen or that post can be loaded on its own from the reader.
This site has developed for me as a pseudo-gallery: very often images are hard to get from their original repositories and so reposting them here means they can be seen. When they are stuck away in page 104 or 513 of a buggy website for instance, not many people will want to go to that extra effort unless they have a special interest. The whole basis of this site, in many ways, is to present out of the way material. I always provide source details but more often than not I'd guess people don't go there (and I probably wouldn't either) but it's cool to find a generous sampling in an easily accessible site (is how I've always viewed it).
This idea grew from my own web browsing frustration (sometimes) in that I would see a single interesting image and basically couldn't be bothered doing the legwork to track down more from the same source (there are quite a few other, probably self-evident motivations of course).
It is 2006 and while not everyone has broadband, there is a such a large section of the internet which requires it these days that I feel that loading time is a less important issue (I'm not dismissing it of course - but hey, when you want to see images, you have to load the material).
There has been a lot more traffic through here lately, not least because of postings in places like Boing Boing and Screenhead among quite a few others, so I consider allowing new visitors an opportunity to easily see a fair sample of the kind of material that gets posted here is important - again, this is something I'm thinking about and it may just be in the short term.
I guess I'm not sure what you mean by the 'images jostling past'. It's one of those facts of life that we have to load the page before it's properly viewable. If you're on dialup then I'm sorry, it will of course take quite a while. Subscribing will nullify this impact too. And again, this happens to us all in every 2nd or 3rd website these days, with flash and video etc. Large loads are a fact of internet life.
Finally, I suppose the front page has suited me - me who spends a whole lot of time here. I scroll the page often and I've found that I like to see the same images for about a week. That's just been a personal preference. Often is the case that many hours were spent in finding, retrieving and doing background reading about these images, so I've kind of felt a bit of an entitlement to get my own value from such efforts.
But as I say, I'm listening and will perhaps dial down the number over the coming weeks.
hi! I'm in love with your site. It's so rich and informative. Wow. Coming from Manila, I have to say I'm very impressed. The passion and love you place in your entries is remarkable. I've just bookmarked it for easy referencing.
I hope you can put tags on your entries or put categories so that it will be easier to find stuff.
Also, I hope you'll feature non-Western books like some Japanese ukiyo-e. Here's a challenge: Try finding Damian Domingo's "Tipos del Pais". It's an lithographed album of Filipino native types printed in the early half of the 19th cent. The whole album costs now like $60k.
Cheers. I've been thinking of categories for my own sake at delicious - I may get around to it. The search box (top left) does a pretty good job though.
[oh, I have spent a LARGE amount of time chasing down material from underrepresented places. But it's difficult when they are in fact...underrepresented online. I still look.]
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