Living Made Easy - Revolving Hat
Which by a slight touch presents its Wearer with, Eye-Glass, Cegar, Scent-Box, Spectacles, Hearing-Trumpet, &c. &c. without the intolerable trouble of holding them.
London. Pub'd by T McLean, 26 Haymarket.
Wellcome Library)
[image updated December 2012]

W. Swanenburg..
Anatomical theater in Leiden, engraving (after drawing by Woudanus), 1610. I don't believe this is among any of the online collections of
medical images I've seen except as a thumbnail. The engraving was apparently sold as a souvenir at the University of Leiden - "The well-dressed men and women touring the dissection hall ... show that the upper classes of 17th-century Europe were interested in anatomy".
The best version is at Art-bin.
addit: Dec 2012. There is definitely a bigger/better version online these days if you look!]

The above 2 images (unrelated) were snagged from blind trawling in the
German Pictura Paedagogica Online website - I love these huge image databases but despite having some excellent rare book illustrations and prints I find it next to impossible to work out artist /author /date /publication details. There's probably a simplicity to it that my brain doesn't quite follow.

This sketch comes from the
Designing the Decor - French Drawings from the 18th Century exhibition at the
Museu Calouste Gulbenkian in Portugal (in english). The bad news is that the image was saved last week without details, and the museum exhibition has now finshed. I haven't been able to get the exhibition site to load in the last 2 days - you may have more luck - it had some really quite excellent prints. Perhaps the portuguese section might work?? Anyway, there's some nice things around on their website.

This is also from the Univ. Amsterdam .
'Het vermakelijk Harlikein-spel'
'The Harlequin Game', after the Italian
commedia dell'arte genre.
A scattered, but interesting, bunch indeed.
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