Putrefaction Rebis - a winged hermaphrodite, with a male head on its right and a female head on its left holds a coiled snake in the right hand and a cup containing three snakes in the left; it stands on a golden stone and a silver stone from which flow waters the feed the sun and moon respectively; a beast at the foot of the page drinks the waters. Explanations in red & black. Fifteenth century."

12 double page alchemy manuscript images have been uploaded to the Rylands Collection at the John Rylands Library - University of Manchester.
The site requires an 'Insight' browser (like swimming in a straight-jacket to my way of thinking) but I'm pretty sure the images will display in plain java script. All the alchemy manuscript pages available are German (and alchemy is only one of quite a few subjects for which they have online rare book/manuscript images - these alchemical pages just happen to meet my main criteria of 'weird' and 'esoteric').
There are 2 other collections in addition to the Rylands collection, which I haven't checked out.
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