Friday, December 18, 2009

Nuclear Reactor Wall Charts

Nuclear Reactor Cutaway Schematic -- Creys-Malville Super Phénix

Super Phénix: Creys-Malville Nuclear Power Station, River Rhone (Sur le Rhone) Creys-Malville, Isere, France, Centrale Nucleaire Europeenne a Neutrons rapides SA. Wall chart insert, Nuclear Engineering International, June 1978

Nuclear Reactor Cutaway Schematic -- Snupps (Standardized Nuclear Unit Power Plant System)

Snupps (Standardized Nuclear Unit Power Plant System): Kansas City Power & Light Co., Burlington, Kansas. Wall chart insert, Nuclear Engineering International, November 1975

Nuclear Reactor Cutaway Schematic --Fulton

Fulton: Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., Philadelphia Electric Company. Wall chart insert, Nuclear Engineering International, August, 1974.

Nuclear Reactor Cutaway Schematic -- Candu 3

Candu 3: Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, CANDU Operations, Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. Wall chart insert, Nuclear Engineering International, May 1990.

Nuclear Reactor Cutaway Schematic -- Douglas Point BWR.6

Douglas Point BWR/6: Potomac Electric Power Company, Douglas Point, Maryland. Wall Chart insert, Nuclear Engineering International, November 1973.

Nuclear Reactor Cutaway Schematic -- Grand Gulf

Grand Gulf: Middle South Energy Inc./Mississippi Power and Light, near Port Gibson, Mississippi. Wall chart insert, Nuclear Engineering International, September 1980.

Nuclear Reactor Cutaway Schematic -- Guangdong Nuclear Power Plant

Guangdong Nuclear Power Plant: Twin unit PWR station located at Daya Bay, People's Republic of China. Wall chart insert, Nuclear Engineering International, September 1987

Nuclear Reactor Cutaway Schematic -- Oskarshamn

Oskarshamn: Simpevarp, Sweden, Oskarshamnsverkets Kraftgrupp AB, OKG. Wall chart insert, Nuclear Engineering International, 1970.

[Click through for large and very large versions]

These images are derived from pdf files [UNM CSEL Nuclear Engineering Wall Chart Collection] hosted on New Mexico's Digital Collections portal for the Centennial Science and Engineering Library at the University of New Mexico on behalf of NEI. Something a bit different, to be sure.

In the same vein, I posted a link on Twitter the other day to the Flickr cutaway pool.

The Kevin Hulsey site can never be over-linked.

Addit: For the very keen, MIT has lecture notes and slides (I haven't looked) for the Integration of Reactor Design, Operations, and Safety course available. But maybe it's only tangential at best.

I would love to find more in the way of technical / industrial drawings and designs if anyone has a link to share?

**UPDATE** - See the later BibliOdyssey post, Nuclear Reactor Cutaways (from the expanded New Mexico collection as above).


Michele Hush said...

What a strange subset of industrial art. I wonder if their are illustrators who specialize in this.

dobson said...

Spectacular find! Did you notice that BoingBoing are linking to this?

Dan O'Donnell said...

This blogpost has been tweeted about 150x already.

Susan Moorhead said...

Hmmm, interesting Christmas gifts...

Piper said...

Strange subset? This is fascinating, link sent to my PipingDesign group.

ThatGuyJay said...

I love infographics!

Karla said...

Now that is just what I need on my office walls, I feel sure. Nuclear reactor wall charts. Let those aspiring artists who enter to discuss their poor grades tremble at the sight. (Those who come in for other reasons are exempt from trembling.)

Kaycee said...

This is a brilliant animated infographics presentation:


peacay said...

Yep. Same clip as linked 2 comments up.

msspurlock said...

When you see how large and complex these are, it really makes you appreciate the marvel that is a nuclear submarine.

Unknown said...

of course there are specialized illustrators. they're called draftsmen.

Anonymous said...

I have a friend who used to manage a Nuclear Plant near Pittsburg. He went to school to become a lawyer and represented the Insurance companies at 3 mile Island. He had a hard time dealing with the way they had to drag out settlements and few if any were paid ofr their damages. Spend money on lawyers not the wounded.

Anonymous said...

Did you know that the Russian nuclear submachines run the radioactive cooling water from the reacter is heated up by reacter and sent though out the sub to give heat and possibly radiation to the occupants of the sub.

-Chinaaa- said...

wow those photos are cool.

Tagliaferri said...

Very cool, I have such a " nuclear energy" pmphlet. It isnot as intricate as those poster her but what make it interesting is that it has a copyright date printed on it of 1945. I doubt many of it's kind exist anymore today.

Anonymous said...

Perfecto para que algún terrorista se ponga las botas (luego vendrán los lamentos)

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