Sunday, November 09, 2008

Exotic Moths

Hyalophora Cecropia.  (1843)

1. Saturnia Cynthia; 2. Saturnia Mylitta.  (1843)

Saturnia Isis.  (1843)

1.2.3. Caterpillar of A. Erythrinae; 4. Caterpillar of B. Motina; 5. Caterpillar of B. Nesia; 6. Caterpillar of B. Netri...  (1843)

1. Hypercampa Sybaris; 2. Callimorpha Helcita; 3. Callimorpha Phileta.  (1843)

Dorycampa regalis.  (1843)

1. Heleona fenestrata; 2. Anthomyza Teresia.  (1843)

1. 2. Heptolus lignivora; 3. Caterpillar of D-o; 4. Zeuzera minea.  (1843)

1. 2. Limacodes Micilia; 3. 4. 5. Doratifera vulnerans.  (1843)

1. Angerona prunaria; 2. Alcis scolapacea.  (1843)

1. Arctia Hebe; 2. Spilosoma Arge; 3. Spilosoma Virgo; 4. Cater. of ditto; 5. Chrys. of ditto.  (1843)

1. Asthenia podaliriaria; 2. Macrotes netrix; 3. Venilia Sospita; 4. Eumelia Rosalia.  (1843)

1. Ceratocampa imperialis; 2.3. Harpyia Banksiae & Caterpillar.  (1843)


Gray Witch said...

Very colorful and interesting.
Thank you!

Beatriz said...

marvelou buteflies

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