Sgt. Everett Gould, Fitchburg, Mass.
Homar 44 New Guinea
"By his looks and playing, I'd say he belongs with Hackett at Nick's"
(Pen and ink, watercolor, pencil on paper)
Sgt. Homar
Convoy to Philippines
"H" minus "5 or 6". G.I's last shower + shave with (modern conveniences)? before landing
(charcoal on paper)
Sgt Larry Homar
New Guinea / 44
Cpt. Ernest Hughes of Los Angeles, Calif, veteran of Nassau Bay and ?Tambin Beach (?Salamana Campaign) Lae, Finschhaffen(?) and Hollanchia. Still unscathed after four campaigns and yet his loader, Pfc Barnett of Youngstown, Ohio was wounded on this mission, his first.
(charcoal on paper)
(woodcut, 1963)

'The Three Wishes; a Collection of Puerto RicanFolktales'
by Ricardo E. Alegria, 1969.[Amazon]

{Moroccan Acrobats}
(Linocut, 1958)

(Pencil, gouache on paper, ~1937)

(Pencil, gouache on paper, ~1937)

(Pencil, gouache on paper, 1937)

{English, boys, more English}
ITT - Marisol - Culebra - Miami - Miss Universo
(Gouache on board, 1970)

(Pen and ink, gouache on paper. Undated.)

(Pen and ink on paper, 1962)
*Almost certainly it is Luis Muñoz Marín, Governor of Puerto Rico.

(Pastel on paper, 1957)

(lithograph, 1955)

(Poster, 1965)

(screenprint, 1971)

(Marichal(?) drawings and etchings at the Institute for Puerto Rican Culture)
(poster, 1963)

(woodcut, 1969)

(Poster for the 475th anniversary since the discovery of Puerto Rico, 1968)

{What am I doing here?}
(Gouache on paper, 1972)
Lorenzo Homar (1913-2004) was born in Puerto Rico but moved to New York City with his family when he was fifteen. Financial pressures forced him to leave school early for a textile factory job and he obtained some tutoring for his emerging interest in art. He moonlighted as a vaudeville gymnast.
Homar found a position with Cartier Jewellers in 1936 as an apprentice designer, where his on-the-job training in drawing and engraving was augmented with night classes in typography, painting and graphic design at the Pratt Institute.
In the Second World War Homar enlisted and served in the Pacific in New Guinea and he was awarded a Purple Heart following injuries received in action in the Philippines. His draughtsman skills were put to good use in mapmaking for the Army Intelligence Unit and his military sketches were published in a number of journals in the United States.
After the war, Homar returned to Cartier, took more art classes in Brooklyn and continued his habitual tumbling and acrobatic practice on the beach at Coney Island. There are more than a few prints devoted to athletic pursuits among his portfolio.
He returned to Puerto Rico in 1950 where he co-founded the Puerto Rican Arts Centre with a group of fellow artists. A governmental Directorship of Community Arts Education followed and he also established a graphic arts workshop. Homar excelled at screenprinting in particular and he established his own studio in 1975.
"Homar is credited as the artist most responsible for promoting printmaking in Puerto Rico. He trained other important artists, such as Antonio Martorell, José Rosa and Myrna Báez, and ran workshops at Cali in Colombia and in Havana, Cuba, helping to extend his influence further afield in Latin America. While serving as director of the graphic workshop of the Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña, the most important in Puerto Rico, from 1957 to 1970, he produced more than 500 posters and several portfolios of screenprints, such as Casals Portfolio (1970), which were admired for their distinctive style and sophisticated technique. As many as 30 to 40 manual runs were used in the making of each poster, which were characterized also by an expressive use of typography and textures.
Screenprinted posters, woodcuts, engravings, political cartoons, book illustrations, logos and stage designs all feature in Homar’s prolific production. From 1964 to 1972 he produced a series of monumental woodcuts in which he combined political or poetic texts with highly evocative images and expressive rhythmic incisions. Assimilating aspects of American Realism and German Expressionism, he also continued producing paintings on social realist themes rendered in a neat, meticulous style that suggests a printmaker’s rigour and precision." [Mari Carmen Ramírez from Grove Art Online {via Zen Studio}]
- Princeton University Library has a collection of 350 posters, prints, designs and sketches by Lorenzo Homar from where all images above were obtained. [nb. I've done a little background spot cleaning here and there and tweaked the colour/brightness in some of the images posted here]
- Wikipedia article
- The quartet image below comes from a selection at Puerto Rican Posters.
- L'Atelier have a small collection of Homar prints.
Lorenzo Homar est génial et votre blog est magnifique!
Pardonnez-moi pour mon français ... Je suis italien :^)
Dankeschön Roberto.
Me encanta tu ilustraciones. отлично!
Wonderful images, and rich with the flavor of the time
Its funny that one of the last images is a poster for ben shahn...I see their similarities almost immediately.
(just to explain...) I sent Derrick a link to the Homar collection before I made this post because I saw some similarities to Erik Nitchse, the graphic designer whose works Derrick has been scanning and uploading over the last year or so.
not that it matters too much, PK, but, if you have a second to spare, take a look at that video in youtube anent that great man called Pau Casals.
thanks... and, don't worry, I won't bother you with that kind of stuff any longer.
Thanks. Peacay. Who else is going to show us these things?
Dear Peacay,
thank you for the compliments and the link ;^)
I'm proud...
For your "Spanish?, Head of State" in "Composición Atonal" I would guess that will be Luis Muñoz Marín, Governor of Puerto Rico at that time. It looks like him.
Oh yeah. That's a pretty good likeness. Thanks Luisongo!
does anyone know of a commemorative brass coin about the size of a u.s. dollar coin. It has a slave on it with broken chains and states:
certenario de la abolicion de la esclavitus en puerto rico below the figure with the broken chains is the years 1873-1973
Very nice !
And yes, to clarify any doubt on whether the figure between Kennedy and Casals is Muñoz Marín, it is. When he was governor, he hosted Pres. Kennedy and Jackie on an official visit to PR and had Casals play for them in a private reception at La Fortaleza, the Governor's mansion.
Laura: Son la 6 am en Guaynabo Puerto Rico hoy martes 4 de mayo 2010. Me levante un poco mas temprano a mirar mis e mails y me encontre con esta maravillosa colección de obras de arte de de tu padre, lo he leido todo. Te felicito, eres privilegiada por tener un padre así. Quisiera ver mas. Un abrazo, Diego
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