Mexican antiquities, which exist in the National Museum of Mexico, 1857.

Cathedral of Mexico

Inside the Cathedral of Mexico
(in April 1855 during the celebration of the Immaculate Conception of Mary)
(in April 1855 during the celebration of the Immaculate Conception of Mary)

The Cascading Fountain

Morelos Square, formerly Guardiola Square

Principal parish church

Municipal House or Deputation (?)

The village of Ixtacalco

Public Square of Mexico

The town of Guadalupe, taken from a balloon

Mexican costumes

Mexican costumes

Mexican costumes

Frontispieces from the 1869 and 1855 editions
The album of chromolithographs, 'México y sus Alrededores' (Mexico and Environs), is online at NYPL. The principal lithographer/artist for the project was Casimiro Castro, one of Mexico's foremost landscape artists in the nineteenth century. The forty illustrations were originally published in 1855-1856 [available at Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes (click 'leer'), which includes the text]. The version at NYPL was published in 1869.
Speaking of NYPL, check out the newly designed Digital Gallery, announced as a 'soft launch' last week.
Sobre la imagen de Ixtacalco destaca su parque Hidalgo y el Canal de la Viga, la parroquia que se ve al fondo es la de San Matias y aun todavia existen los portales que estan al frente a izquierda y derecha. Hoy el parque tiene un quiosco y el canal es la calzada de la Viga y la vista estaria tomada desde lo que es hoy la calle de Santiago en cuya esquina esta la escuela primaria Antonio García Cubas. Gracias por subir esta imagen y saludos desde Carolina del Norte.
Thanks Carmenz
(google translation):
"On the image highlights the park Ixtacalco Hidalgo and the Canal de la Viga, the parish is in the background is the San Matias and even sites that still exist are the front left and right. Today the park has a kiosk and the channel is the causeway of the beam and the view estaria taken from what is now the Calle de Santiago in the corner this primary school Antonio Garcia Cubas. Thanks for uploading this image and greetings from North Carolina."
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