Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Fashion Plates from Hungary

Budapest hats - 1870s

szállítók - 1870s

Woman at Piano - fashion plate

Hungarian fashion plate

Magyar Bazar Divatkepe

Magyar Bazár Divatképe  - 1874

Magyar fashion 19th century

Hungarian bonnets - 1870s

Budapest fashion - 2 women

Coloured engravings of 2 women - 1870s

Divatkep - szállítók

Fashion plate Hungary

2 women 2 children - 1870s Budapest fashion

2 women - Hungarian Fashion Plate

2 women and child - fashion 1870s

Baby + 2 women - Budapest fashions 1870s

Budapest fashion 1870s

Fashion plates from the 1870s from the Hungarian Electronic Library. [via]


Karla said...

OK, I was putting off dealing with them, but with the Hungarian fashion plates up, it was clearly time to post the 1909 Czech version. Now up at http://calypsospots.blogspot.com/2007/03/fashions-of-1909.html, though a little scruffier looking than these since I had to do my own photography.

lotusgreen said...

wonderful! thanks for posting them. the "tails" on that last are truly dinasoric! and thanks for another great resource.

Elatia Harris said...

Funny how the Hungarian titles give these the look of something unfamiliar -- as if the outfits in the improbable engravings were really just cooked up for ladies in a culture where only 10,000,000 people spoke the language. What a sense of occasion it would provoke, to enter the home of a friend gotten up like that -- your train alone would make you feel papal. Many thanks!

peacay said...

Thanks Karla - very nice.

Lotusgreen, I was actually thinking that instead of tails, these were complete whales in place of whalebone corsets.

Elatia these are surely for the elite. I tried unsuccessfully to find out a little about what publication these came from. It's interesting that all of them have full descriptions/signatures etc at the bottom of the page. I wonder if they weren't a subscription print series for the upper crusties.

Karla said...

Perhaps some Max Ernst collages with the scaly-tailed sorts would complement the dinasauric tails. I'm forgetting which of the collage novels has these...

I'm sure the purchasers of the Hungarian garments were elite, but that quite a few not-so-elite also looked at the plates, just as people do with fashion magazines today. It's also possible that (as in the Czech examples I photographed) these are French fashions repackaged. Perhaps someone who reads Hungarian can enlighten us...

peacay said...

I recall that Divaktep means fashion plate. And I'm now thinking that these are actually advertisements with prices for the Budapest bazaar. And by the look of them, these plates have been through more than just a few hands. So I still wonder if these were single leaf or in a book or maybe they were for hanging up as poster adverts?

Kitsune said...

ckSorry for the late comment - I have just stumbled upon your blog (and I am planning to dive in it). Magyar Bazár was a popular glossy magazine in the XIX.th century (and in the early XX.th)... fashion, chick-lit, some gossip about the elite, etc. You were right, the engravings are ads. It says: Costumes and textiles: Alter&Kiss, the purveyors by appointment of Her Majesty, The Queen _(Elizabeth, the wife of Franz Joseph)_ Budapest, Váczy street; Perfumes: Sándor Vértessi, the Hungarian royal perfumery, Kristóf 1., Budapest.

peacay said...

Thanks Kitsune, maybe I will email you next time I can't read Hungarian!

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