childrens' literature, influenced by german works.

Some other places, in addition to the sidebar links, that I either admire, am jealous of, subscribe to, am inspired and/or entertained by and/or wish I had the time to visit more often:
It's Olivia, Popaula, The Wit of the Staircase, Sorrow at Sills Bend, Scarlet Letters, JuJu Loves Polkadots, BLDGBLOG, swissmiss, Oink!, Inky Circus, The 7 Deadly Sinners, Graphic Design Bar, Gatochy, Tinselman, MODE, Blogging the Renaissance, Barista, Archaeoastronomy, La Boîte à Images, Drink Me, Hooting Yard, Foreword, Ample Sanity, Pink Tentacle, Shao Kelake, Newsgrist, Generator.x, ShiftBlog, Corsinet, The Cartoonist, Blue Tea, dataisnature, What is Going On?, Dirty, Mefi/Mofi/MeCha, Ober Dicta, Transfer, Punio, Vvork, Danny Yee, monochrom, Livre Ancien, Erebos, Paperholic, Sepia Mutiny, RecordBrother, Girl Wonder, Panopticist, Make Ready, Bezembinder, Rabbits, Toyen and so forth, Monsterbrains, loreto martin, MadMeg, Catatau, O'Connors O'Pinions, Eye Level.
Not in any order and certainly not a complete list of everywhere I go (well in fact, I spend more than 1/2 my web life crawling upside down through musty caves in digital repositories, but those links I post each day). All the major food groups are represented. Bon appétit!
I´m the owner of Catatau. Thank´s for your reference, and apreciation!
I found Bibliodyssey by Giornale Nuovo. You have a wonderfull blog. I have great interest for weblog´s that apreciate the 'thinking', and you show precious issues using the blog language.
Well, for now, that´s all
best regards,
Awww, thanks for the linkage, pk, I'm flattered! And great post (as usual.) I'm very much into Asian right now, so I enjoyed it a lot! I just started this blog to collect pretty Asian or Japonism images: http://kimonovintage.blogspot.com/
holy cow--what a rush. thank you. it's funny, because i was reading this, and thinking, what a coincidence that everyone's suddenly interested in early 20th century japanese children's books!
i've been following every lead i can find, so thanks for adding to my adventures.
I just started this blog..
Ha! Mariana, you must have about 27 blogs by now ;- )
thanks for the mention, pk! biblodyssey remains one of my absolute faves. cheers!
On the last count six... But Gatochy is the only "real" blog. The others are just for collecting images.
Thanks for the shout out, always a pleasure to visit the bizarre worlds you discover in your archive website digs. "Dreams Of Pantagruel" is still the most interesting gallery I've seen all year, I'm really glad you shared it on here.
Monster Brains
And I too am thrilled to be mentioned. (Especially when this summer my blog has been more about computer woes and rabbit adoption than anything art-related.) My only reason for not visiting here more often is that I get too wrapped up in the wonders of the site!
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