et Pierre de Villiers en Prière' (Parisian gothic style from c.1367)

by 2 artists from Troyes in the 1470s as part of a body of work
that was produced for the rich families of Troyes.

of the 11th and 12th centuries - produced in the Abbey of Clairvaux.

A carolingian manuscript from before AD 850.

a monumental transition work between Roman and gothic style periods.

The 'Manerius' style from the late 12th century (see previous post)

which was established by St Bernard in 1132. This 12th century manuscript
is the oldest example of the monochromatic style that became fashionable
when certain embellishments were proscribed by St Bernard.
[click images for larger versions]
As part of a current exhibition (until October 14) La Médiathèque de l’Agglomération Troyenne in NE France have a flash website displaying extracts from 27 illuminated manuscripts produced between the 9th and 15th centuries.
The media library in Troyes are said to have the richest collection of illuminated manuscripts in France, outside of the french national library. Documents have been contributed to the exhibition from a number of local public, private and religious sources. The site is in french.
In addition to the flash presentation there are downloadable quicktime (.exe) movies but I'm not sure they are worth the bandwidth. I watched the smallest one (~60Mb) and it was a nicely produced montage, although not particularly additive to the plain jpeg manuscript images. But the films are are also available in smaller format streams.
The flash is a little bit irritating, but the subject more than makes up for that—I’m quite taken with the Carolingian Q abovee, and this one caught my eye too, for some reason.
thanks for the links to wikipedia: i would have labeled Trésor de la Cathédrale as a half-uncial script, as i associate carolignian with a different pen angle and moving towards bookhand. but i would have trouble distinguishing a hand in transition, which it sounds like this was.
gl. from scarlet star studios
on the first picture of ms 28, "Bible de Montiéramey" you show a lette you call "b, with animal". I see a"h" first letter of "hec sunt verba..." we can see nest to the firt letter . Don't you think so?
Wow. Somebody reads my 'alt' tags!
I think you are correct chantepleure and I also think you are very very observant. Thank you.
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