discovering quarks - the bookplate was uploaded by Bookplate Junkie.

(16 pages of Science/Microscope related bookplates)

All the unlabelled images and half of the others come by way of a great new weblog - Confessions of a Bookplate Junkie. [via]
Those unlabelled images were snagged from a Japanese bookplate collector's forum where there are something in the order of 500 bookplates [The link below '(91)' in the left column brings up the thumbnail views. The links below that give full size versions. I've actually posted works by Tyukanov, Hrapov and Denisenko previously]***
***After thinking about it and having a quick check, I wouldn't be surprised if most or all of the images at the Japanese forum were lifted from the wonderful Ex Libris Museum.***
These are AMAZING.
I know I don't always comment, but I read this blog religiously everyday. You find some fantastic stuff. Please keep up the good work!
Devoted Fan
I thought I would pass along this link to the work of Leonid Roslov who developed his carving skill on surplus boot heels while in the Russian army. I met him when he was a machinist the russian satellite manufacturer NPO-PM in Krasnoyarsk-26. I understand he does commissions at reasonable fees -- and I can highly recommend is skill and design artistry.
I am looking for digital scans/pics of two bookplates done by Nathaniel Hurd. Both of these were Hearldic designs. One for Theodore Atkinson and the other for William King Atkinson.
I am doing family research and would really like to see what these looked like. I have read countless references to them but have yet to find any actual pictures. If anyone can be of help in directing me to where I might find these images I would appreciate it.
Tom Atkinson
Sorry for the delay Tom. My suggestion would be to contact the University of New Hampshire if you think the location sounds feasible. There are entries there mentioning armorial bookplates in both of the names you listed (about 1/3 of the way down that page - "2. Armorial Box 2"). There is no mention of "hurd" on the page however: It's called the "Lewis Stark Bookplate Collection", but, then again, it does not appear to name the engraver of the particular bookplates of interest.
Alternatively, I suggest you contact the proprietor of the bookplate junkie blog, who may be able to assist.
(let me know how you go!)
You missed a great graphic artist - Marin Gruev. Check his exlibrises out.
Also, Miladinovic's site is not working for a long time now, do you have more good scans of his works?
Marin Gruev @ deviant art. It's ok.
Re: Ivan Miladinovic. Yeah, his site has been dead since mid-2007. I spent a lot of time trying to track him down because we wanted to include one of his ex libris pics in the BibliOdyssey book. I spoke with his agent at the time who said a new site was on the horizon so maybe do some searching. There are at least some of his works here anyway.
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