In : Œuvres complètes de Buffon avec des extraits
de Daubenton et la classification de Cuvier.
T 4 Mammifères II / Buffon .- Paris, Furne, 1837.

In : Le règne animal. Mammifères,
Atlas, Edentés / Georges Cuvier.
Early 19th century.

In : Histoire naturelle générale et particulière des Céphalopodes.
Atlas / Férussac, Mme de, Orbigny, Alcide d’.- Paris, 1835-1848.
Rouen Library in France have a site - Le Visioscope Collection d'Imagiers - which features eclectic and rare images divided up into the kitchen, transport, animals, flowers and Joan of Arc. It's a great set - there are quite a few book illustrations (which predominate, but there are also some photographs and ephemera) that I've never seen and which are not online anywhere else.
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