Manuscript Title: Textus varii
Date: 14th or 15th century
Text Script: Latin
Repository: Královská kanonie premonstrátů na Strahově, Praha
Website: Demo Versions of Complete Documents - Czech Manuscriptorium Memoria Project
My best search efforts failed to turn up much more by way of information, although I'm copying in the Latin/Czech notations from this manuscript as a comment. Fully half of the 150-odd page manuscript are illustrations in a similar vein to those above. I saved these images in the supposedly poor quality mode to avoid an imprinted watermark, but I don't think there was much loss of quality. Each of the 8 or so 'demo' manuscripts open in a modified window allowing for zoom and multiple page previews. Please educate me if anyone knows anything about Textus varii. Of course 'various texts' doesn't quite have the same ring of authenticity now does it?
Country: Česká republika
Settlement: Praha
Repository: Strahovská knihovna
Shelf-number: DA II 13
Document Heading
Title: [Textus varii]
Author: [Al-Súfí]
Text Language: LA
Note: Astronomické určení vyobrazení souhvězdí nebylo doposud provedeno!
Date of Origin: 14. století
Document Contents
1r-48v: Hvězdný atlas (Catalogus stellarum fixarum).
1r: Forme et stelle. Stelle Urse.
1v: Stelle formarum septemtrionalium. Forme et stelle. Stelle urse Maioris.
2r: Stelle formarum septemtrionalium. Forme et stelle. Ille que sunt sub [patronatis] stellis urse maioris et non sunt [sunt] in [forma].
3r: Stelle formarum septemtrionalium. Forme et stelle. Stelle Draconis.
4r: Stelle formarum septemtrionalium. Stelle et forme. Stellatio cheichius latine et ipse est inflamatur.
5r: Stelle formarum septemtrionalium. Stelle et forme. Stellatio theginus et ipse est ululans autem intentio est uociferans.
6r: Stelle formarum septemtrionalium. Stelle et forme. Stellatio corone septemtrionalis et est elfecta.
6v: Stelle formarum septemtrionalium. Forme et stelle. algchiethi super grenu ipsius et nominatus saltator etiam.
7r: Illarum ergo excepta hac stella. 28 stellarum in magnitudine tertia.
7v: Stelle formarum septemtrionalium. Forme et stelle. Stellatio alore et est uultus ... et est restudo.
8r: Stelle formarum septemtrionalium. Forme et stelle. Stellatio ensini et est uolans et iam uocatur galina et dicitur erisini qui redolens ut lilium ab ydeo.
9r: Stelle formarum septemtrionalium. Forme et stelle. Stellatio habentis palmam debelitam.
10r: Stelle formarum septemtrionalium. Forme et stelle. Stellatio thelcub cuius nomine in latino est presens et est deferens capitis algol.
11r: Stelle formarum septemtrionalium. Forme et stelle. Stellatio retinentis hienas 1 alaiae et nominatur latine atrixu et nominatur alianac 21 colanius.
12r: Stelle formarum septemtrionalium. Forme et stelle. Stellatio alfeichus et est alaunue 1 effemiantus et est lator serpentis.
12v: Que sunt arca alangue et non sunt in forma.
13v: Stelle formarum septemtrionalium. Forme et stelle. Stellatio istuse et nominatur arabice iala hanc re et est nun.
14r: Stelle formarum septemtrionalium. Forme et stelle. Stellatio aquile et uultus uolans.
15r: Stelle formarum septemtrionalium. Forme et stelle. Stellatio delfini et est ex piscibus maris.
15v: Stelle formarum septemtrionalium. Forme et stelle. Stellatio equi prioris.
16r: Stelle formarum septemtrionalium. Forme et stelle. Stellatio equi secundi.
17r: Stelle formarum septemtrionalium. Forme et stelle. Stellatio andromade etiam uocatur mulier catenata et nominatur mulier qua non uidit magnitudo.
19r: Stelle formarum septemtrionalium. Forme et stelle. Stellatio trianguli.
19v: Stelle que sunt in cingulo orbis signorum.
20v: Forme et stelle. Stallatio tauri.
21r: Forme et stelle. Stellatio Thauri.
22r: Forme et stelle. Stellatio geminorum et est aliorae.
23r: Forme et stelle. Stellatio cancri.
24r: Forme et stelle. Stellatio leonis.
24v: Forme et stelle. Que sunt circa leonem et non sunt in forma.
25v: Forme et stelle. Stellatio uirginis et est spica.
26r: Forme et stelle. Que sunt circa uiginem et non sunt in forma.
27r: Forme et stelle. Stellatio Arubeuen et est libra.
28r: Forme et stelle. Stellatio scorpionis.
29r: Forme et stelle. Stellatio sagitarii et est arcus.
30r: Forme et stelle. Stellatio alcauturus et eius expeditio cum huius cornua yrci et cum capricornus.
31r: Forme et stelle. Stellatio yrhidinus et eius expeditio cum hauritor aque et cum aquatius.
31v: Forme et stelle. Stellatio eiusdem aquarii
49r-56r: Ex libro magistri summae proprietarum de adamante.
57r-64r: De adamante.
65r-66v: Liber de virtutibus verborum lapidibus pretiosis apropriatorum.
67r-68r: Liber de virtutibus herbarum lapidibus pretiosis apropriatarum.
68v-74r: Liber de virtutibus et proprietatibus sigillorum lapidibus pretiosis in sculptorum a Thehele astrologorum populi Ysrael porisina compositus.
Physical Description
1r: Ve zlaceném kruhovém medailonu říšská orlice. Dvě černé věže s hradbou v červeném poli štítu. Dvě červené věže s hradbou ve zlatém poli štítu. Malý medvěd. Ornamentální bordura.
2v: Velký medvěd
3v: Drak
4v: Inflamatus
5v: Herkules
6r: Severní koruna
7r: Saltator
7v: Alor
8v: Pták
9v: Cassiopea
10v: Perseus
11v: Vozka
13r: Hadonoš
13v: Lyra
14v: Orel
15r: Delfín
15v: Kůň
16v: Pegas
17v: Andromeda
18r: Žena s rybami
18v: Žena s rybou
19r: Trojúhelník
20r: Skopec
21v: Býk
22v: Blíženci
23v: Rak
25r: Lev
26v: Panna
27v: Váhy
28v: Štír
29v: Střelec
30v: Kozoroh
32r: Vodnář
33v: Ryba
34v: Leviatan
36r: Orion
37r: Eridanus
37v: Zajíc
38v: Velký pes
39r: Malý pes
40v-41r: Argo
42v-43r: Had
43v: Váza
44r: Havran
45v: Vlk
46v: Ohniště
47v: Jižní koruna
48v: Ryba
49r: Iniciála A. Ornamentální bordura.
57r: Iniciála A. Ornamentální bordura.
65r: Iniciála E. Ornamentální bordura.
Extent: (Dimensions: ) I + 75 + I ff.
Additional information
Administrative Information
Description History
Popis vytvořen: 29.10.2003
Item: Poslední editace: 29.10.2003
Beautiful! Googling tells me Al-Sufi would be Abd al-Rahman al-Sufi, the 10th-century Persian astronomer. Looks like this book must be based on his "Suwar al-kawakib".
Thanks for that jmb. This post was the one that I most wondered about.
"ca. 1650; al-Sufi's Suwar al-Kawakib (Treatise on the Fixed Stars)" --- from LofCongress.
I just love the pictures.
THANK YOU!! Your site has blown me away, especially the Al Sufi constellation pictures! (I'm a fixed star and constellations researcher); your "WolfSnake" is Draco, the Dragon, "LionFish" is almost certainly Cetus, the Sea-Monster, "Goat-Fish" is of course Capricornus, "ManBeast" is Centaurus and Lupus. Can you post more? PLEASE? Diana K Rosenberg
Heh. Thanks Diana. From my fading memory, there are at least 4 or 5 other posts with astronomical figures...or maybe 8 or 16 - I forget.
I'm always looking out for the old manuscript images but unfortunately, the Czech manuscriptorium only has a small amount of material available without subscription - and they really have a wealth of ancient material in their pay-to-view vaults.
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