The images here are from the
Historic Entomology Online site
at Wageningen UR
"Araneina epeira"
Araneus^ is a genus of common orb-weaving spiders.
Araneus was formerly called epeira and it remains a pseudonym.
Pseudophyllus neriifolius^ (bush cricket)
Valanga nigricornis (yellow or shorthorned grasshopper^)
Vespula vulgaris^
(common wasp)
Forficula auricularia^
(European earwig)
Locusta migratoria^
(African migratory locust)
Erysiphe graminis (deprecated)
Ascomycetes ersyphales^
{powdery mildews .. not quite insects}
Die Mehlmotte
Ephestia kuehniella^
(Mediterranean flour moth)
Mucor mucedo^
(soil fungus distinguished by the formation of sporangia: also not quite an insect.)
Pediculus vestimenti aka Pediculus humanus aka Pediculus corporis
(body lice)^
Heliothrips rubrocinctus^
(Red-banded thrips : tiny, cigar-shaped, flightless,
feather-winged, tropical fruit-loving insects)
Melolontha vulgaris
(may-bug or cockchafer^ or sprang-beetle)
Myriopoda lithobus
(Myriopoda - or Myriapoda - is a sub-phylum of Arthropoda^
containing the segmented critters: centipedes and millipedes)
Labrum, maxille, mandible, mandibula
(schematic of insect mouth parts^)
Periplaneta americana
The American cockroach^ (native to Africa)
Apis mellifica^
(Honey bee from the insect order, Hymenoptera^)
Schematic diagram of Lumbricus (earthworm^) species
A cicada^ species
Calandra granaria
(a type of grain weevil [genus now called Sitophilus^])
The selection of wall chart images was taken from the *Wall charts Entomology and Phytopathology* collection out of the Special Collections Digital Library at Wageningen University and Research Centre (Holland). [Special Collections]
The linked caret ^ characters nestled in the insect image captions above lead to a wide range of entomological sites for anyone wanting to delve deeper into the world of creepy crawlies, or for those seeking extra credit points.
- Old German Zoological Wall Charts
- Dutch Botanical Wall Charts
- Wageningen Wall Charts
- Nuclear Reactor Wall Charts
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