Friday, August 29, 2008

Codex Manesse

medieval knight and horse

Herr Ulrich von Liechtenstein
[now where have I heard that name before?]

medieval musicians play for the king
Meister Heinrich Frauenlob

medieval man winched up castle wall
Herr Kristan von Hamle

jousting medieval knights
Herr Walther von Klingen

man reading scroll
Graf Rudolf von Neuenburg

tournament champion receiving tribute
Herzog Heinrich von Breslau

medieval falconry
Konradin von Hohenstaufen

male and female playing chess
Markgraf Otto IV. von Brandenburg

gathering in tent pavilion
Meister Gottfried von Straßburg

illuminated manuscript - male and coats of arms
Der Tannhäuser

backgammon game in medieval manuscript
Herr Goeli

knights in combat outside castle
Kristan von Luppin

medieval sailing ship
Herr Friedrich von Hausen

Codex Manesse may well be the quintessential medieval manuscript. The parade of miniatures - gallant knights and comely maidens, chess, backgammon and falconry, jousting tournaments and heraldry, castles and court musicians - feature the types of (near) cliché imagery we all immediately identify with the period.

The manuscript was compiled in the early 1300s at the request of the Manesse family in an attempt to record the major figures of the minnesang - the German tradition of composing and performing love songs, similar to the provincial troubadours of France.

The 137 manuscript illustrations depict 12th and 13th century poets (minnesänger) in scenes reflective of their names or themes from their songs. They mostly came from the nobility - Dukes, Kings and Counts - but sometimes the minnesang included educated members of the middle and lower classes.

The Manesse brothers observed that the bourgeois classes of their time were gaining in power, partly as a result of the 13th century interregnum that had seen much of the authority of the Holy Roman Empire ceded to territorial rulers. New forms of literature - particularly the fables - were replacing the minnesang as the dominant oral and written tradition, so the motivating force behind the production of Codex Manesse was as a means to preserve the history of the declining Germanic troubadour culture. Codex Manesse remains, therefore, the most important primary source document for love songs of the middle ages in middle high German.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Filipino Costumes

Male Filipino Costume

Un Yndio Natural

female Philippines costume

Una Joven, Mestiza

male guard uniform - the Philippines

A guardia de Vino
(an officer to look after the government monopolies, such as arrack and tobacco)

female Filipino costume with veil

A Damsel Going to Early Mass

male costume from Manilla

A Manila man

female attire from the Philippines

Una Yndia Natural, de Filipina

male wearing Philippines national costume: Barong Tagalog

Un Mestizo Chino

female costume Philippines

A señorita walking to church in the daytime

national costumes of the Philippines

A Spanish Mestiza of Manila

Filipino female costume

A country girl

Filipino costume - old woman

An Old Woman

Rich mestizo wearing Barong Tagalog

Rich mestizo

traditional costume of a Mandaya Woman

A Mandaya Woman

"Note the silver "patina" on her breast, and the load of armlets. The Mandaya women blacken their front teeth by holding a quid of tobacco and strongly acidic leaves between teeth and lips."
[IN: 'The non-Christian peoples of the Philippine Islands' by DC Worcester, 1913, among the Cornell University South East Asia Visions Collection]

engraving of Filipino costumes
Costumes des Habitans de Manille

[IN: 'Atlas du Voyage de la Perouse, no. 42', 1797 by Jean-Francois de Galaup, Comte de La Perouse. Drawing by JM Moreau; engraved by P Triere. [source]

All the images above (apart from the last two) come from a watercolour album from about 1841, online at NYPL. (there are a few more there I've not posted) The first half of the pictures above are displayed at full size. All of the NYPL images have been extensively background cleaned.

Incidentally, a few of the men are wearing the national male costume of the Philippines: Barong Tagalog (the female counterpart is called Baro't saya {Barbie or anime(!)})

Further Filipino costume illustrations: Skyscraper city forum and The Impact of Spanish Rule in the Philippines from the Tagalog language and cultural resources site at the University of Northern Illinois.

It's obviously an old site, but the People of the Philippines exhibition from the Museum of Anthropology at the California State University, East Bay, has some useful information, particularly about the distribution of ethnic groups across the Philippines.

I added costumes to the delicious tags recently.

Added later: See this article on the Boxer Codex (1595) that is said to depict the Tagalogs, Visayans, Zambals, Cagayanons and Negritos of the Philippines in vivid colors.

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