Saturday, July 14, 2007

The Link List

Charles Dana Gibson - 1903 - The Weaker Sex
The Weaker Sex
Charles Dana Gibson, 1903
[from the Monstrous Craws & Character Flaws
caricature/cartoon exhibition site at the Library of Congress]

By way of response to any and all past and future blog memes and as an exercise in associative psychology, I've gathered together the links I have floating around the traps. No doubt there are more that I've misplaced or forgotten which will be added as I remember them. I'll probably make the sidebar links randomly dynamic . . when I get around to it. Done. Please to enjoy...

mi3chbioephemeraeastern blotpharyngulacurious expeditionsdiary of a mad historianpaleo-futurecabinet magthings magdream treeblue teabouphoniacabinet of wonderscrystal punkbrass goggleshooting yardectomojs blog|apothecary's drawerneurophilosophypink tentaclefed by birdsa bacia das almasmodern mechanixenthusiasmpanabasismorbid anatomylord whimsyalchemy blogephemera assemblymansquare america

map the universeprunedbldgblogkosmogradsuper colossalinhabitatmoon rivermaproomgreat mapstrange mapscatholic gauzeeikonographiapolar inertiacity of soundcartophiliale territoire des sensmaking maps

languagehatsentence firstmirabilislaputan logicwoods lotdamn interestingcronaca3quarksdailythe huge entitydavid byrnemaud newtondogmatikasteamthingthe revealerthe morning newssepia mutinymaterial worldbanubulavunexstephen fryif:booklarvatus prodeoechidnefem101hollister hoveythe errant aesthetediapsalmatawynken de wordemercurius politicusficta eloquentiaarchivalia

topipittorigroteskologyletterologycoudalballa dóra (& more) ⊕ swissmissbb-blogdesign observerveerlenotcotspeakupdesign et typodinodreamel burladorgraphic design barace jet 170pristinaozouxdbqpdesign*spongevispopala8residenceofgods

princeton graphics Θ giornale nuovo Θ the lion and the cardinal Θ o'connors o'pinions Θ lines and colors Θ feuilleton Θ netlex news Θ illustration art Θ the nonist Θ oldprints Θ guardian art Θ efímera Θ textual studies Θ petrusplancius Θ Записки наблюдателя Θ bearded roman Θ unurthed Θ ostarc Θ jahsonic Θ words&eggs

metafilternyplep||plepmonkeyfilterhanumanbibi's boxilikespy's spicedirtymira y callabedazzledeverlasting blortoinkpuñokerlamestheresa duncanRIPincoming signalsmartin klaschparentheticallyuncertain timesordinary findspignouf

booktryst50 wattsdesign booksphilobiblon bookartsbookridefine booksbibliophile bullpenfade theorybookplate junkieelizabeth birdclassical bookwormlee kottnerdifferent stripefrom old bookslabyrinthepapercutsadventures in the print tradephilobiblosbookn3rdgwendabondold book artold book illustrationscaustic cover criticthe vespiarydreamers riseprivate librarycodex 99

data is natureinfostheticsdigital history hackssubtractionjean snowwmmnaawlndeeplinkingpingmagspurgeonblogvisual musicregardetomorrowlandmigurskinypl labsLibNetstodgepowerhousevisual complexityspellbound

book by its coverullabenullale divan fumoir bohémienendicott reduxagence eurekajaponismewoolgatheringjuju loves polkadotsgatochy (+ mariana's collection) ♦ elly yapДетская Книгаlove stampedeprint womenpattern recognitionon familiar thingslol manuscriptsit's nice thatdoce palabras

animalariumspitalfields lifephantasmaphilesuzanneGla petite claudinegmt+9-15ursijaf projectmonster brainsarmchair aquariumgeisha asobicruelanimalzénon annexecavendum a meretricibusla main gaucheanimula vagularecogedormanystuffthe hermitageaccidental mysteries

eyelevel ω glasgow art ω ramage ω drawn ω ashleyB ω process recess ω traveling with the ghost ω malanda ω neurasthenia ω bezembinder ω the horse's neck ω rashomon ω dirty beloved ω aguarrás ω newsgrist ω el reciklante ω gráfica colectiva ω mixin' jam ω le wub ω art krush ω asifa animation archive ω fluctuat ω graphic tales ω c-monster ω acuarela ω yuko

the little professor θ philobiblon history θ early modern notes θ clioaudio θ blogging the renaissance θ rob macdougall θ barista θ stingy scholar θ serendipities θ northwest history θ ptak science θ smithsonian libraries

michele roohani •• boynton •• gaspode •• ampersand duck •• bugbread •• points of departure •• calypso spots •• sorrow at sills bend •• life in the present •• crazybrave


  1. oooh! I floated to the top!

    Wait a minute - when I put it that way, it doesn't sound so good. . . (imagining dead fishes and the like) ;)

  2. dont forget the !!


  3. Well, this will take us awhile to wander through!

  4. Many thanks for including me in this luscious list! It's going to be a great surfing day too. Great compilation.

    Lee Kottner (pay no attention to the name behind the curtain there)

  5. Wow. A huge chunk of those are some of my dearest favorites, and many of the rest, I suspect, are about to be.

    Thanks for the include. May I compliment you on your excellent taste?

  6. Must... find... more... time...

    ~theorist @

  7. Must... find... more... time...

    That's exactly how I feel, believe me.

  8. Mucha gracias por tenerme en esta selección.

    Saludos ;)

  9. Cool! I'm there, too! Thanks. But now, how do I decide which ones to go look at first...?

  10. Please see my blog. I have an interesting site about antique spanish books and bibliophile. Thank you.

  11. Cool list. Great to see Hungarian sites here. :)

  12. i would be honoured if you would ad my blog to your link list. Wil you let me know?


  13. I too would be honored if you would consider adding my blog.

  14. Thanks, peacay, it's truly an honor.

    btw, just in case there was some confusion, "Ordinary finds" is the work of a professor from Denmark, Bent Sorensen. I wish I could take credit for his wonderful efforts.

    His other site, for longer bits, is "A rare, rare find", also worth checking out - although he only updates it sporadically:

  15. Thanks John. Unusually for me, I wasn't confused; I did 'get' it. I just subbed the rarerarefind feed too. Cheers!

  16. Thanks guys (John, Peacay) for the mentions and kind words!

    Best from Bent (Ordinary Finds, Lumpy Pudding, A rare, rare find..., America Adrift)

  17. Right on. Just wanted to make sure. Bent deserves the props!

  18. Oh! I didn't notice that Doce Palabras is here! I'm really honoured.

    Thank you, Peacay. It's a real pleasure to have you in this virtual life. I visit Bibliodissey and its marvellous images and information almost dayly, a great option for breakfast.

  19. I'm sneaky like that '- )

  20. Now besides all the time I already spend here I will need even more time to look through all these cool blogs!
    Thanks for putting all these links up.

  21. mira!

    v pleased to see my buddy phila's bouphonia here

    ~ world without end amen! ~

  22. i have got a great blog for you:

    the same person had a previous incarnation here:


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