Monday, July 16, 2007

Kyushu Medical Books Two

facial acupuncture points - profile view

arm maps for acupuncture

torso and leg acupuncture maps

facial acupuncture map - historic book

scalp acupuncture map

yuketsuzukan - undated [book 60]

Japanese rare book acupuncture schematic

lateral acupuncture points - rare book from Japan

yuketsubenkai - 1758 [book 58]

rare book torso view - Japan

rear view shoulder and head - acupuncture points

shinkyujushikyokot - 1752 [book 108]

historic Japanese medicine - 2 frontal body views

body energy points - Japanese rare medical text

Japanese rare medical text bodily schematics

yososhinpikyukei - undated [book 62]

front and back bodily acupuncture points

2 bodily schematics of acupuncture points - rare book

geryokeikengata - undated [book 105]

Euro style Japanese old medical text (brain cutaway)

naishodohanzu - 1808 [book 71]

hand schematics in Japanese rare book

shigoroku - undated [book 91]

female pelvic bone and uterine schematics

female reproductive system views and foetus

schematics of baby in utero and placenta

birth delivery positions

fueishinsetsu - 1858 [book 88]
Mention is made of Benjamin Hobson, a British medical missionary, who went to Hong Kong and China for twenty years in the mid-1800s. He is credited with introducing western medicine and aspects of western science to China. I presume this book is known as Fuying xinshuo ('A New Treatise on Women’s and Children’s Diseases') and was in fact written by Hobson. [more depth: 'Missionary Science as Natural Theology in China and Japan' by Ryan Dunch]

stylised Japanese bird illustration

Japanese bird caricature/illustration

highly stylised quadruped - Japanese rare medical book

bear illustration

rikushisomokusozuk - undated [book 111]
I thought at first this book was a herbal/pharmacopeia. Then animals, such as the more stylised examples above, started appearing; so I figured it was more a book on natural history. But there are also quite a few illustrations of horse carriages and items used by people towards the end so I really have no clue now as to its overall subject.


  1. PK, entering your site for me is like finding a treasure box :) and simetimes like entering Aladin cave.
    these illustrations are amazing

  2. This is really quite interesting!! I particularly love the drawings of the mind...

  3. I would suggest (although I am by no means an authority) that this text, like the Anglo-Saxon Lacnunga, both contains elements of spiritualism and medicine - they were often linked and equally important to each other. Could be worth researching...

  4. Sorry Alias, which text do you mean?
    These pics are from about 15 books I think.

    (had not heard of Lacnunga - thanks for the ref.)


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