Sunday, March 18, 2007

Ukioye Masterpieces I

Ukyioe - A Girl Dancer

'A Girl Dancer' from the Tosa School

Hikone Screen - Ukiyoe

Book image of Hikone Screen painting

Ukyioe book image of Hikone Screen

3 sections of 'The Hikone Screen' from the Kano School

Groups of Men and Women Dancing

'Groups of Men and Women Dancing' (school and artist unknown)

Kano School Ukiyoe

Nagoya Ukioye - The Shoot

Nagoya Palace Ukiyoe section

Three pictures on wall panels in the detached
Palace at Nagoya from the Kano School:
'Ship Being Unloaded'; 'The Shoot'; 'House Building'

View in the vicinity of Kyoto - ukioye

'View in the Vicinity of Kyoto' by the
Tosa School (artist uknown) - painting on paper

Ukioye - Women Looking at the Maple Trees at Takao

'Women Looking at the Maple Trees at Takao, near Kyoto'
by Hideyori Kano (from a 6-fold screen on paper)

The Festival of Toyokuni Daimyojin

The Festival of Toyokuni Daimyojin (detail)

'The Festival of Toyokuni Daimyojin'
(part of 6-fold screen) [plus detail, slightly cleaned]

The Sumida-Gawa, A Theatrical Picture - Ukiyoe

'The Sumida-Gawa, A Theatrical Picture' by Moronobu Hishikawa

Silk painting - ukioye, Youth carrying a Lady

'A Youth Carrying a Lady' by Morohiro Hishikawa painting on silk

Horse training

'Horse Training' by the Kano School: section from a 6-part screen

Poetess Komachi Washing the Book

'Poetess Komachi Washing the Book' (from painting on silk)

Ryogoku Bridge - ukioye book illustration

'Ryogoku Bridge' by Moroshige Hishikawa (from painting on silk)

A Beautiful Girl with her Maid

'A Beautiful Girl with her Maid' by Morofusa Hishigawa (from painting on silk)

A Beauty and a Little Girl - Japanese ukiyoe

'A Beauty and a Little Girl' (artist/school uknown)

A Beauty and a Young Man - ukioye book painting

'A Beauty and a Young Man' by Moronobu Hishigawa (painting on silk)

A Theatrical Picture - ukioye

'A Theatrical Picture' by Wawo Hishikawa (painting on silk)

[click for enlarged versions]

'Masterpieces Selected from The Ukiyoye School' was published in Tokyo in english between 1906-1909 with text from 1869 by Shiichi Tajima and is online at Carnegie Mellon University's Posner Library. There are perhaps 10 more colour and 15 black and white images not seen above.

It wasn't until after I had jagged and tweaked all these images that I realised that there are actually 4 volumes in this series, so I'll probably try to make up a post from each book in the coming weeks.

Wikipedia's entry on Ukioy-e has a host of links for anyone curious.


  1. bunch of information on the hakone screen here, including a possible attribution.

  2. Thank you so very much for this post. A real treat, pleausure - a gift of great value to me, and inconditional Japanese art fan.


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