Friday, March 16, 2007

Farm Tools in 1802

Jardin Potager and Labourage

Moulin mis en mouvement par un Boeuf and Moulin a bras

Outils de Jardinage

Semoirs and Houe a laquelle est Adaptee une Herse

pour la conservation des Grains

façon des Foins et Moisson and Machine pour elever l'eau d'une riviere

Une machine pour sécher un marais et une autre machine pour le séchage d'un marais

Moulin a main pour separer la Grain des epis and Pressoir

Art de faire eclore les Poulets

Basse-Cour and Machine pour couper les pommes de terre

Batteur en Grange and Laiterie

Charrue pour faire des Tranchees and Semoir - Charrue-double

Couches echauffees par la vapeur de l'eau and Charrue Semoir Anglaise

'Recueil des Planches du Dictionnaire Encyclopédique de l'art Aratoire et du Jardinage' (1802) Edited by Henri Agasse is one of many history of science books from the Science Faculty at the University of Porto in Portugal.

The book contains 54 engraved plates about agriculture and farming, featuring ploughs, desalination techniques, chicken and dairy production, seeding methods, hand and cattle driven mills, presses and hand implements. [via]


  1. you forgot this one:

  2. I love love love this blog, thanks so much for posting these beauties! It's a gallery of oddness and inspiration!

  3. Is there any way to reproduce these images, for a thesis or magazine story?

  4. can these be reproduced for thesis or magazine story?

  5. Nora, I don't own nor do I have rights over any of these images: the best thing to do if you are worried about it would be to contact the University of Porto Science Faculty to seek permission for their use. I locally saved and reposted these images here under the principle of 'fair use' for as long as noone objects to their presence.


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