Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Wombat Tales

humorous animal illustration - australian childrens book

humorous animal illustration - australian childrens book

humorous animal illustration - australian childrens book

humorous animal illustration - australian childrens book

humorous animal illustration - australian childrens book

humorous animal illustration - australian childrens book

humorous animal illustration - australian childrens book

humorous animal illustration - australian childrens book

humorous animal illustration - australian childrens book

anthropomorphic illustration of australian animals

humorous animal illustration - australian childrens book

humorous animal illustration - australian childrens book

humorous animal illustration - australian childrens book

In honour of Australia Day (26 January), some delightful scratchy illustrations from the 1962 book by Ruth Park, 'The Adventures of the Muddle-headed Wombat'.

The illustrator for this book (part of a long series) was Noela Young.

Ruth Park | Noela Young


  1. These are fantastic, made even better by the sepia color. Thanks for posting this, I'd never heard of Noela Young!

  2. You're welcome Sam. I should also come clean. We really ought to be thanking my sister-in-law Anne. I was down at her place in Canberra last week and saw this book and just had to purloin I mean borrow it. Thanks Anne!

  3. yeah, i love these -- they have so much character. i'd never heard of n. young either, so good thing you spotted that book... :) cheers. thanks.

  4. Wow I absolutely love these, thanks for letting me know about them.

  5. these were cross posted onto another great wombat related site, Not the same sort of artwork, but a nice contrast anyway.

    Oh, and Digger is one of the best webcomics out there, just ask the NY Times.

  6. Methinks you need to upgrade your meaning of "cross posted". I guess you mean the mention deep in the comments here? Sweet.

  7. Love this page, keep it up! Reminds me of comforting childhood times with Mom and other family members curled up with a little old family book. Perfectly done!


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