Monday, November 08, 2010


Octopus ornatus

Octopus furvus

Octopus mimus (detail)

Octopus megalocyathus

Octopus tetricus

Onychoteuthis rutilus

These illustrations are details taken from plates out of 'Molluscs and Shells' (1852-1856) at Botanicus by conchologist, malacologist and physician, Augustus Addison Gould. The book was part of a multi-volume series resulting from the United States Exploring Expedition of 1838-1842.

There can never be too many cephalopods.

Addit: Oops, forgot to say, previously: CEPHALOPODA


  1. Amazing! Such beautiful illustrations.

  2. Brilliant. Wonderful images. They're the unicorns of the sea.

  3. Thank you for sharing
    This fabulous work with us
    Good creations


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