Monday, July 12, 2010

Austro-Hungarian Peoples

Oesterr-Ungarische Nationalitäten (Dalmatiner)

Oesterr-Ungarische Nationalitäten a

Oesterr-Ungarische Nationalitäten

Oesterr-Ungarische Nationalitäten (Magnaren)

Oesterr-Ungarische Nationalitäten (Csárdás)

Oesterr-Ungarische Nationalitäten (Slovenen)

Oesterr-Ungarische Nationalitäten b

Oesterr-Ungarische Nationalitäten (Morlachen)

Oesterr-Ungarische Nationalitäten (Wallachen und Rumänen)

Oesterr-Ungarische Nationalitäten (Slovaken)

Oesterr-Ungarische Nationalitäten (Polen I)

Oesterr-Ungarische Nationalitäten (Polen II)

Among the small selection of digitised material at the Berlin Museum Art Library is an undated monograph printed by Johann Nepomuk Vernay depicting various peoples of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

The Empire was a Hapsburg Monarchy, incorporating dual parliaments in two capitals (Vienna and Budapest) and existed from 1867 until disintegration as a consequence of WWI by 1918. The vast territory included ethnic groups from (today's) Bosnia, Italy, Czech Republic, Romania, Hungary, Poland, Serbia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Ukraine and Germany.

Judging from the active period of the Austrian printer, Vernay, the book was likely released between 1890 and 1918. The cover title is 'Oesterr:Ungarische Nationalitäten' but the instructional nature of the work is clear from the title page, 'Die Völker der österreichisch-ungarischen Monarchie : für die Jugend' (The Peoples of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy: for youth).

I think all the book illustrations have been posted here, displaying traditional ethnic costumes from the majority of regions listed above : mouseover the images for - in most cases - the German name of the ethnic group depicted.

Via Archivalia.
Previously: costumes | ethnology.


  1. I believe the Csardas illustration refers to the dance being performed, not to the people in it.
    A nice find nonetheless.


  2. I'm convinced you have a spy camera in my work space. While not exactly the same book, I'm fixing vol. 3 of The Earth and Its Inhabitants which includes great maps and lovely engraved illustrations of the costumes of the people of Hungary (and other European countries).
    The author is pretty interesting himself, being an outspoken anarchist as well as decorated geographer.

  3. You forget to mention Croatia! At least 3 of the shown costumes origin from croatia. By the way, Croatia was part of the hungarian crown since 1102 and equal to Hungaria till the late 15th cent. when it was more and more percieved as a part of the Hungarian Kingdom in stead of being a wholly different ethnic group with a independet history. As the hungarian crown 1527 became part of the austro-hungarian empire croatia, slavonia and dalmatia were mentioned separatly in the titels of the Emperor.


  4. My apologies Ingrid. No excuses. Normally I would seek a special dispensation because trying to work out historical dimensions for the countries of the former Yugoslavia is a unique breed of difficult; but in this case, it was simply because I didn't read the map thoroughly enough! Thanks.

  5. You're forgiven^^
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    Continue with your great work!


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