Monday, April 13, 2009


Ronald Searle - Winespeak cover

Winespeak - Coarse but generous - Ronald Searle
"Coarse but generous"

Winespeak - Full bodied, with great character - Ronald Searle
"Full bodied, with great character"

Winespeak - Full, fruity character - Ronald Searle
"Full, fruity character"

Winespeak - Lacks Subtlety - Ronald Searle
"Lacks Subtlety"

Winespeak - Pleasantly scented, very agreeable - Ronald Searle
"Pleasantly scented, very agreeable"

Winespeak - Should remain in cellar for two or three years - Ronald Searle
"Should remain in cellar for two or three years"

Winespeak - Unpretentious - copyright Ronald Searle

Ronald Searle - Winespeak

[All illustrations © Ronald Searle]

Scans of Searle's trademark scratchy caricatures, satirising the jargon of the would-be wine connoisseur. They first appeared in 1983 in 'The Illustrated Winespeak, Ronald Searle’s Wicked World of Winetasting'.

Homepage / biography.

Update: Audra, from the Vespiary, scanned and posted a wonderful selection of Searle illustrations from 'Slightly foxed but still desirable - Ronald Searle's Wicked World of Book Collecting' to Flickr.

Update 2: More Searle illustration goodness from JRSM at the Caustic Cover Critic.


  1. Searle is always a delight! I want to get this as a gift for my parents now.

  2. I love his use of color in these drawings.

  3. His other work about book collecting is fun, too. I wrote about it over at The Vespiary.

  4. Haha, I love Searle! Thanks for these ^o^

  5. Searle's art had a great influence on me.
    Thanks for sharing these gems.

  6. The "unpretentious" one is my favorite [that would describe my winetasting style]...these are hilarious, Thanks!

  7. Check out the Searle exhibition I ass bled at the Cartoon Art Museum, San Francisco. 5 of his wine pictures for Clos du Val, Napa are included

  8. Thanks Matt, I'm making a note in my calendar to tweet about this exhibition in a couple of days when there'll be a few more eyeballs available (that are hopefully less wine-soaked!). Good luck with it.

  9. Thanks for the link! Just noticed the unfortunate auto-correct on 'assembled' in my comment- wine-soaked indeed!


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