Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Burgkmair Tournament Book

Anton von Yfan, 17r

Gestecharten und Rennen des Turniers zu Pferd, 3r

Turnierreiter, 15r

Gestecharten und Rennen des Turniers zu Pferd, 2r

Gestecharten und Rennen des Turniers zu Pferd, 10r

Gestecharten und Rennen des Turniers zu Pferd, 11r

tournament knights - triumph of maximilian

knights tournament hand-painted illustration 16th century

jousting knights from festival/triumphs

Triumphs of Maximilian manuscript sketches

festival book dedicated to Emperor Maximilian I

Wolfgang von Polheim, 14r

'Turnierbuch - Kopie nach dem Original von Hans Burgkmair d.Ä. - BSB Cod.icon. 403' is online at BSB Munich. About half of the illustrations - modestly background cleaned - have been posted above. Dated approximately 1540. [catalogue page - I couldn't get a translation URL for reasons that escape me]

As best I can make out this paper manuscript, featuring exquisite hand-painted illustrations, is a copy after (unpublished) designs by the great Renaissance woodblock artist and painter, Hans Burgkmair the Elder, from around 1511-1520.

Burgkmair, along with Albrecht Dürer and Albrecht Altdorfer, prepared a large number of book illustration woodcuts, intended for a propaganda tribute book ('The Truimphs'), dedicated to Maximilian I. The Emperor died in 1519 and 'The Triumphs of Maximilian' wasn't published until 1526.
"The woodcut series was comissioned by Emperor Maximilian I and designed by the most outstanding German artists of the time. Its purpose was to perpetuate the memory of the emperor, his Hapsburg family and his deeds with the aid of woodcuts printed in hundreds of copies. The imaginary procession represents the Emperor's aspirations, achievements and interests in a long frieze. It shows members of the court: hunters, court officials, musicians, jesters, masquerades and infantrymen symbolising the different types of the tournaments."
Previously: posts on festivals.


  1. Well, those are pretty irresistible even if they don't quite measure up to the baptismal festivities of awhile back in terms of wild content. But knights and horses all decked out are quite satisfactory even without the addition of allegorical figures and severed heads.

  2. The colour in these is remarkable; so rich looking. Also, the character in the figures is wonderful, totally charming.

  3. Interesting post as always. I´m sure you´re aware about it but do you know Codex Wallerstein?


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