Friday, February 16, 2007

Musei Capitolini

Saffo and Cliopatra

Plinth of male and lion

Gladiatore Moribondo

Three pillar designs

Settimio Severo and Giordano Africano Ivniore


Sacerdote Egizio and Idole Egizio

Scala di Palmi quattro Romani

Zenone Stoico


vessel on legs

Three plinths crowned with human heads

Faustina Minore and Giuliano Apostata

Giove Ammone

Apicteac Kai and Amore


Part-sculpted busts

Erudite Florentine scholar Giovanni Gaetano Bottari (1689-1775) was a scientist and theologian but is best remembered for his contributions to a wide range of historical art publications. He went to Rome in 1750 where he was appointed by Pope Benedict XIV as custodian of the Vatican Library.

The images here (click for full size versions) come from a 4-volume set from ~1755, 'Musei Capitolini' which were (pretty obviously) a catalogue of the sculptural holdings of the Capitoline Museums of Rome - a group of art and archaeological repositories atop the Capitoline Hill in Rome. The majority of the engravings appear to be from ancient Roman sculptures but there are occasional items from ancient Greece and Egypt.


  1. Hi! I don't know if the format of your site will allow you to participate but I listed you as one of the five blogs that makes me think. You now have the right the place the "thinking" button on your site if you wish. You can see more about it over at History Is Elementary. Thanks for all the thinking you inspire in me!

  2. And another great post...!
    Dont know why, but I specially like the Zenone Stoïco...

  3. These are utterly magnificent. This Blog is the greatest artistic resource I could ever hope to find. I am filled with awe and joy.


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