Sunday, January 28, 2007

Purloined Samplings

Shell book frontpiece by Jacopo Tosi 1683
Frontpiece of 'Testacei cioé nicchi, chiocciole e conchiglie'
by Jacopo Tosi 1683 - part of the Cospi Collection at the
Science and Art Museums of Palazzo Poggi in Bologna
(in english with quite a bit of history of science
and curiosity cabinet material to savour)

Trevelyon Miscellany
Before and after restoration: Folger Shakespeare Library's
remarkable 'Trevelyon Miscellany'. This is an eccentric hand
drawn manuscript by craftsman Thomas Trevelyon from 1608
"combining vibrant patterns, moralizing rhymes, historical and
scriptural texts, colorful pictures, and more". Further information
and manuscript images: i, ii, iii. (via Textual Studies 1500-1800)

Che si chiama planispherio by Barbero 1568
'Che si chiama planispherio' (from Barbaro, Perspective) 1568.
[Daniele Barbaro, translator of Vitruvius and architectural theorist]. This
image comes from the large and intriguing Utopia art database at
Cornell University. Intriguing mostly because I managed to have a
short reconnaissance wander through the LunarInsight browser collection
a couple of nights ago, but it appears to now be password protected.
I should have jagged some more images while I had the opportunity.
I dropped them a line about it, which may be a good or a bad thing.

Tabula Urinarum beltbook
'Tabula Urinarum' - the urine connoisseur's guidebook. This mid-14th
century vellum page formed part of a physician's beltbook. The page
folded up and could be strapped around the waist so that the doctor had
'factual' information on hand during a housecall. The caption for the
flasks seen at about 5 o'clock reads: "these urines signify death." The
beltbook (a device for which I didn't see many other citations) also contained
a phlebotomy chart - both pages form Rosenbach Manuscript 1004/29,
most easily seen from the UCLA Medieval Images Library. I guess it
makes sense when you think about it that urine was "[t]he most
commonly employed diagnostic tool of the medieval physician".

Nimis Solicitus A Curis Torquetur

Nimis Solicitus A Curis Torquetur (detail)
This engraving (and detail) comes without information
(that I could see) from the Gelderland region Image
in Holland. It relates to the town of Aalst.

Trignac etching
Wonderful Piranesiesque etchings by Gérard Trignac
[more from Feuilleton] from the Egone site (well worth checking out).

Hebers Hymns

Hebers Hymns a

Hebers Hymns b
The beautifully decorated 'Heber's Hymns Illustrated' by Reginald Heber,
1878 is very reminiscent of the Owen Jones text ornamentation. The engraving
work above was done by a James D Cooper from drawings by about a dozen
artists. The book is available in various formats from

book clasps

book clasps a
The book clasp gallery in Estonia has images of clasp
mechanisms from 5 centuries of books (note there are
multiple pages for each century) [via Archivalia].

Das Salzburger Glockenspiel
'Das Salzburger Glockenspiel' by Christoph Lederwasch,
1704 from somewhere among the Department of Special
Collections at the University of Salzburg
- I always find
something of interest wandering through their site.

Itinerario, voyage ofte schipvaert
'Itinerario, voyage ofte schipvaert van Jan H. van
Linschoten naer Oost ofte Portugaels, 1596'

Map of Jerusalem
Map of Jerusalem (undated)

These 2 images come from De Verdieping van Nederland -
it seems to feature treasures from the National Library and
Archives (curated by Martine Grosselink who also maintains the
Atlas of Mutual Heritage site: Dutch East India Company history)

Heavenly Enlightenment
'Heavenly Enlightenment', 1994

Field Stop
'Field Stop' , 1991

Ge'ez bible - Ethiopia 18th cent.

Amorphophallus Flower and Gymea Lily
Amorphophallus Flower and Fruit c.1916–1917 and
Gymea Lily (Doryanthes excelsa) c.1892

Black Kangaroo Paw and Christmas Bells
Black Kangaroo Paw (Macropidia fuliginosa), Red and Green
or Mangles Kangaroo Paw (Anigozanthos manglesii), Cats Paw
(Anigozanthos humilis) c.1880 and Christmas Bells (Blandfordia),
Flax Lily (Dianella), Haemodorum and Grasses 1879

Never-ending journey, Martín Ramírez
'Never-ending journey'

An untitled work (c. 1948-1963) by Martín Ramírez

"The American Folk Art Museum’s transporting exhibition of the scroll-like
drawings of the Mexican artist Martín Ramírez (1895-1963) should render
null and void the insider-outsider distinction." - 'Outside In', a Review at
The New York Times
(slide show in the left margin) [via GMT+9 (-15)]

Drawings by Claude Renard for Franco Dragone’s show,
'The Costumier of Le Rêve' at La Maison Autrique in Brussels.
[I don't recall the connection but I was actually looking for information about
the creators of 'The Obscure Cities' when I ended up at La Maison Autrique.]

Other things...


  1. I'm a huge fan of Trignac, I really admire the ruined labyrinth of architecture that is the running theme of most of his imagery. And that spherical shape has inspired me, I'm making a mental note to pursue that as a largescale drawing. Only my version will have city streets and buildings layered across it.

  2. Francois Schuiten designed the re-creation of Maison Autrique


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