Saturday, January 20, 2007

Classical Costumes

Egyptian Female

Egyptian Tumbler

Osiris and Isis

Roman Officers

Roman Standard Bearer

Roman Youth and Children

Hercules and Hippolita


Three Grecian Heads


Paris in the Quadriga

Priest of Bacchus and Attendant

Faun and Bacchante

Bacchante Carrying a Wreath

Grecian Musical Performers

Greek Tumbling

Greek Warrior

Comedian and Masks

Dancing Girl

[click to enlarge to full size; mouseover for captions]
{I cleaned up the background a little in a couple of these images but could have spent a long time on it - an idea that was quickly abandoned}

'An illustration of the Egyptian, Grecian and Roman costumes ; in forty outlines, with descriptions, selected, drawn and engraved by Thomas Baxter' from 1814 is online at NYPL {thumbnail page}.

Many of Baxter's illustrations were based upon figures from Sir William Hamilton's vases in which in which Greek subjects are most prevalent "as it is to them we owe nearly all that is elegant or dignified in Art". The 'Costumes' album was dedicated to Professor Henry Fuseli from the Royal Academy Schools, who tutored Baxter in painting.

The National Maritime Museum have a rather beautiful pencil/watercolour sketch album by Baxter (with background information). One of the subjects in the sketch album is Lady Hamilton, whose interesting life I have mentioned previously. I might have to return to this album in the future. [Thanks Tomasz T!]

Update: Tangential but worth noting here - the Scout Report included a mention today of a site I'd not seen before: TIMEA (Travelers in the Middle East Archive) from Rice University. It seems after a brief look to be a formidable/excellent collection of resources. TIMEA is a 'digital archive that focuses on Western interactions with the Middle East, particularly travels to Egypt during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.' Full texts, maps, photographs and more.


  1. Hello, I didn't know how to contact you, so I write it here: I found that now I cannot find some of your blog entries (like saint germains book's photos) cause when I click in the del.ici.ous link, it doesnt show all the precvious entries anymore (for example, the alchemy link at the bottom of the site, now only shows 3 3entries)

  2. Thanks s. That is a problem. A very strange problem - something to do with delicious perhaps (although maybe??? it's something to do with the changeover to blogger2 the other day, although the URLs didn't change).

    If you load the main Bib-delish page, it's an alternative way to find things. I searched for 'germain' with the browser and not the delicious search box to find La Très Sainte Trinosophie (St Germain).

    I will have a look and a think over the weekend and maybe write to delicious. Thanks again.

    e: peacay atttttt gmail dotttttcommmm

  3. Congratulations for the pictures and grafics in your blog. I put your link in my blog, because i love everthing about arquicteture, design, photos, pictures, grafics...

  4. Thanks poliane!

    Well I wrote to and they replied...

    We apologize for the difficulties you experienced with viewing bookmarks by individual tags. At last report the problem was corrected. We apologize for any inconvenience this caused you. Please be assured that we'll do our best to prevent such problems in the future.

    I wrote back and told them that the problem is actually unchanged.

    I have not yet heard back.


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