Sunday, October 15, 2006

Iakov Chernikhov

Chernikhov constructivism

Chernikhov constructivism 1

Chernikhov constructivism 2

Chernikhov constructivism 3

Chernikhov constructivism 4

Chernikhov constructivism 5

Chernikhov constructivism 6

Chernikhov constructivism 7

Chernikhov constructivism 8

Chernikhov constructivism 9

Chernikhov constructivism 10

Chernikhov constructivism 11

Chernikhov constructivism 12

Chernikhov constructivism 13

Chernikhov constructivism 14

Chernikhov constructivism 15


  1. I like these very much: I'd not even heard of Chernikhov before. Thanks again!

  2. (Excuse my twisted English, my mother language is Spanish and I had a mix of bad teachers plus a bit of laziness from my part while learning foreign it in the school...)

    I have never posted anything before, but I visit this blog almost every day, in search of inspiration. It's great.
    I never felt "this is the post to thank this guy/s for everything he/they show me"
    But today, I feel it was different. This is one of the posts I liked the most, the beauty of this drawings, the skills of this Architecht. It is "immagination" flowing freely, combined with beauty, it arouses perception. Incredible.
    So here I am, trying to show my gratitude to you.
    And I let go a "Thanks for making me get to this things" which doesn't even compare to my feelings.

  3. Cheers. The guy was a genius.

    El Feto Imperfecto, your english is much better than my spanish and I have no problem understanding. Thank you for taking the trouble to comment. You're very welcome. Chernikhov's work is just so beautiful. They would make great posters!

  4. I recently found a large collection photo copies I took of Chernikhov black and white inspirational architectural fantasies translated from bilingual japanese periodical over 10 years ago. awe inspiring. From rereading the what I have of the text ... the studies may be from other artists. Do you or anyone else know where I may find the original copy of this book?

  5. You mean this?

    (there's more: search 'ebay chernikhov' - but otherwise check out the seller's homesites or look around for 'russian bookseller' with your state name perhaps) S'all I got.


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