Sunday, June 18, 2006

Token Untitled Post

Modern movies as folk prints - woodcut images in the Russian Lubok folk art tradition. Requires more in the way of interpretation than translation. [via MonkeyFilter]

Megillat Esther : The Book of Esther from the Tanakh (Jewish Bible)
and Old Testament refashioned as a graphic novel. [via Menachem Mendel]

Frontpiece from Jacob Spiegel's 'Lexicon iuris civilis Basileae .. Hervagius' , 1549.
Somewhere in the University of Bielefeld.

From the 2nd edition of 'New Zealand Birds and How to Identify Them'
by Perrine Moncrieff (first published 1925) at Glyph Jockey.

'Knight of Autumn'

'Honour to Mozart'
Etchings © Jindrich Pilecek.

Although they don't have large images, the Christies Auction site is a veritable smorgasbord for rare printed material. I seem to recall the above image, snagged at random, has something to do with galvanometry or human electricity or the somesuch. [Of particular note: 'The History of the Book: The Cornelius J. Hauck Collection' - auction next week. Drool.]

William Claxton's Printers Device 1489.

"Indonesian Batak Pustaha - Detail from nineteenth century magic
book, written on bark from the alim tree and used by medicine-men
in performing ceremonies. Folded in concertina fashion."

The above 2 images are taken from an 1819 edition of
'Giulietta e Romeo' by Luigi Da Porto
(originally published sometime before 1529 - this is the book
that Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet is based on)

'Lud Hurdibras, Bladud and King Leir (Lear)' from:
'Genealogy and Race of all the Kings of England' 1562 by Giles Godet.

'Queen Cordelia'; also from
'Genealogy and Race of all the Kings of England',
1564 by Giles Godet.

This painting is found in Sir William Hamilton's 'Campi Phlegraei, Observation on the volcanos of the two Sicilies As they have been communicated to the Royal Society of London' 1779. The image is one of 5 supplementary plates Hamilton included as an appendix to his vulcanology book following the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in Naples in 1779. More here, here and here.

An original pen/ink drawing -- 'Rocking Stones' --
from 'Antiquarian Notes' 1789 by Dorothy Richardson.
It is a depiction of Logan Stones in Cornwall.

All the images from the Claxton Printers device onwards come from the excellent Rylands Collection at the University of Manchester. I've posted some alchemy images previously but there are more than 2,500 rare book images available. The bad news is that you must install the Insight™ Browser (not so bad). All of the above Rylands Collection images are made from spliced screen captures. They have an amazing and eclectic set of works - one of the best online UK repositories - and I still haven't been through them all.


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  1. what does dart affinity mean?

  2. Answer A:

    Take 1 dart.

    Spin around three times at speed.

    Throw dart.

    Whichever website is hit first has the highest affinity for the dart.

    Rinse & repeat.
    Answer B:

    There is no dart.

  3. I like!

    Thanks for making me feel ignorant... again.

  4. A tasteful execution! That's exactly what this site needs.

  5. great blog, I've been looking for something like this

  6. here's a link on origin of the first picture (in Russian Lubok style):
    author's name is Andrey Kuznetsov.

    and you're right, it's really difficult to find proper translation. he used old, or looks-like-old words. all of them are recognized by modern reader and fit good for his graphic style: funny and clever stylization of Lubok pictures on nowadays reality.
    e.g. on this picture you can see Terminator, "strange man, clockwork blockhead"... all these texts are rhymed, as it often was on Lubok pictures.

  7. and on it's just copy-paste.

  8. Thanks daubmanus, I love Kuznetsov's work and it's even better to know that it was a parody on the Lubok verses too!


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