Saturday, June 10, 2006

On the Nature of Women

2-tone print : sun in a chariot with moon'In the Sky Garden'
Lizzie W. Champney. Illustrated by J. Wells Champney. 1877.

watercolour drawing of flowers'The Ladies Flower-Garden'
Mrs. Loudon. Undated.

black & white botanical engraving"A Tart of Straw-Berries"
"Pick and wash your Straw Berries clean, and put them in the pan, one by another, as thick as you can, then take Sugar, Cinamon, and a little Ginger finely beaten, and well mingled together, cast them upon the Straw Berries, and cover them with the lid finely cut into Lozenges, and so let them bake a quarter of an houre, then take it out, strewing it with a little Cinamon, and Sugar, and so serve it."
'A Book of Fruits & Flowers. Shewing the Nature and
Use of them, either for Meat or Medicine'

London: M. S. for Tho. Jenner, 1656.

surinam insect (moth) illustration by maria sybilla Merian

hand-coloured engraving of south american insects'Der Raupen Wunderbare Verwandelung und Sonderbare Blumen-Nahrung'
('The Miraculous Transformation and Unusual Flower-Food of Caterpillars)
Maria Sybilla Merian 1679-1683.

b&w illustration of ring-tailed lemur in anthropomorphic pose by Brightwen'Inmates of My House and Garden'
Eliza Brightwen 1895. Illustrated by Theo.

hand-coloured engraving of gourd and vegetables'Illustrations of the Natural Orders of Plants'
Elizabeth Twining. 1849. (bio; more: I, II, III)

19th cent. coloured engraving of fungus species'Illustrations of British Mycology, Containing Figures and Descriptions
of the Funguses of Interest and Novelty Indigenous to Britain'
Mrs. Thomas John Hussey. 1847.

title page coloured engraving of botanical species by female illustrator (Louisa Anne Meredith of Tasmania)

coloured illustration of Australian flowers by Louisa Meredith'Bush Friends in Tasmania'
Louisa Anne Meredith (née Twamley) 1891. [bio; more: I, II, III]

coloured illustration of hummingbirds and nest'The Minstrelsy of the Woods; or, Sketches and Songs Connected with
the Natural History of Some of the Most Interesting British and Foreign Birds'
Miss S. Waring. 1832.

engraving of grasshoppers'An introduction to the Natural History and Classification of Insects,
in a Series of Familiar Letters. With Illustrated Engravings'
Priscilla Wakefield. 1816.

All the images here come from the University of Wisconsin 'Women & Nature' exhibition ( or direct to thumbnail gallery - large page load)

UPDATE (Oct. 2012) Much of the original site is now dead. I've written to Wisconsin U Libraries asking if some remedial server work can bring it all back. Fingers crossed. It was an excellent exhibition site.

1 comment:

  1. You should check out Lotusgreen's stumble page, she always has fabulous links:


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