Thursday, April 20, 2006

Dulac on Andersen

I sometimes follow Suzanne's lead and check out the recent Project Gutenburg publications.

Most of the time I'm disappointed with the quality of the illustrations but I was pleasantly surprised today to find great images in Stories from Hans [Christian] Andersen with Illustrations by Edmund Dulac. First published 1911.

A modest set of Dulac covers. I'll probably come back and do a more extensive post on Dulac sometime in the future. Nice work.


  1. I don't know much about Dulac but those images are quite interesting!

  2. Thanks.

    Cheers Laura - this was a lazy post - plus I wanted to give Project Gutenburg a plug of its own so to speak.

  3. Welcome to the blogger front page. :) (Go to the blog editor).

    You might notice more comments and traffic as a result.

    I love your page, that art seems really incredible.


  4. PS I love the alchemist at the bottom. I was once like that myself, in the basement with all types of bottles and mixtures.


  5. Project Gutenberg is a wonderful site. Just the other day I rounded up a number of great works I'm now reading piecemeal. Fascinating selection of images, too.

  6. I really like the artwork...wonderful imagery!

  7. Very nice, I love Hans Christian Anderson's illustrations. Thanks for the "lazy" post. Can I link to your post?

  8. I love art. This is absolutely nice!

  9. I really love Andersen's stories, but never thought about their illustrator, really nice artwork, excellent blog

  10. these images are so amazing and impressive.....

  11. Great images! VERY interesting!

    ** Shaun **
    My awesome blog:


  12. ditto with SF Photorama ;)

  13. These illustrations reinforces the fact that sometimes "fairy tales" weren't all happy endings and sweetness and light like Disney paints them.

  14. These are fantastic--are you using a scanner or are you uploading these from somewhere? Are you editing them before posting?

  15. Thanks everyone.

    slskenyon, I am merely a web repository sifter and can only admire those that scan and upload.

    Sometimes I do a little background cleanup of stains and library stamps. I will regularly sharpen images, particularly when I reduce the image size before uploading.

    I mostly remember to announce any image manipulations in the post, but some/most are very inconsequential and there is always a link to the primary source anyway.
    (All done in MSPaint +/- Irfanview)

    Nothing else is done to them (except when I rarely play with the small linked images in the sidebar - for my own amusement).


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