Monday, March 06, 2006

The Penman's Leisure Hour

"We who follow a gentle and quiet muse, do not intend to call out those vile calumniators of calligraphy into the arena of honor.

We know well that they will be banished to the centaurs and lapiths by the decree of persons of quality and accomplishment who follow the arts and sciences.

But enough! Farewell kind reader, and embrace me and all champions of calligraphy in your perennial favor."
[Johann Georg Schwandner 1755 in Calligraphia Latina]

'The tongue is not the only way
Through which the active mind is heard
But the good pen as well can say
In tones as sweet a gentle word'

Penman's Leisure Hour with calligraphic artwork by FF Wildish was an 1894 trade book 'giveaway' from the McDonald Business Academy {Penmanship Department} in Milwaukee, Wisconsin - the thumbnail page is hosted by The International Association of Master Penmen,Engrossers and Teachers of Handwriting.

Would it were my leisure hour could be so productive!

Previously: The Art of Penmanship; Arabic Calligraphy; Hebrew Micrography.

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