Tuesday, February 21, 2006

South Florida Artist Books

Mal Aliento
J Thomas Lopez 2003
inkjet on arches

"The fractured flag in this exhibition is visual onomatopoeia for the multiplicity of often-contradictory information that we receive from different sources - pundits, media, governments etc that almost always pushes a self-serving position. Trying to discover thruth in such times is like decoding the elements that constitute my kaleidoscopic flag.

The "flag" binding used to create this piece...creates a visually chaotic relationship between figure/ground that metaphorically addresses the issues of sub-text, super-text and outright lies."

An Indecent Obsession Where Echoes Live Too Deep For Tears
Vicki Pierre 2003
books, wire, paper and fabric flowers

"Segments from pages of each book have been cut out and reused to create a new story with a different "read". Removing certain words or elements from their original context and placing them within a manipulated new format allows the viewer/reader to play with the words left to them to fill in the missing parts, to re-create the story from the beginning to the end, giving new meaning and new associations to the romance novel."

The Peacock's Tail
Marianne Barton Haycock 2001
clayboard, acrylics and oil paints, goldleaf, handmade paper, peacock feathers

"The Peacock's Tail is a personal journey of transformation - a passage, a crossover, a shift, a point of departure from the old life to the new one: professionally, creatively and emotionally."

Linda K Johnson 2003
paper, ink

"WorldWise offers the ancient wisdom of people and cultures from around the world within the gentle flower folds of four small map books. Each book opens to reveal 8 proverbs from one of four geographic regions. The proverbs are letterpress printed on Nepalese Lama Li paper and folded inside of maps originating from the late 1800s. The design of the book reflects the universal origins of proverbs with a circular slip case, representing the world, housing 4 smaller books."

Turning Pages is a collaborative exhibition celebrating artist-made books, hosted by Broward County Library Florida
(3Mb pdf).
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Perhaps it's cheating reading the artist blurb before contemplation?

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