Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Shaka Goichidaiki Zue

Sariputra (an Apostle) Fight
against Satan through Occult Power

Tested and Initiated into four Gatha
(words in verse) by Spirit

People in Sravasti Suffering
from Famine Kill a Big Fish

Bros. Kasyapa Fight against
Satan through Occult Power

Tyrant Destroyed by Thunder
"Shaka Goichidaiki Zue is the storybook written by Yamada Isai with illustrations by Katsushika Hokusai, published in Edo (Tokyo), Kyoto, and Osaka in 1845, which consists of 6 volumes and 55 episodes in the life of Shaka (Buddah).

In such a life story of Shaka, some episodes since his birth until his spiritual awakening are usually emphasized. In this version, however, many pages are distinctively spared for the rest of his life.

Hokusai has made 35 illustrations for 27 episodes, and 23 of those are possively represented as new iconographies in Shaka's biography, inspired by various pictorial resources, while other 12 scenes originate in the former or traditional ones of these subjects. He might have invented remarkably conspicuous and impressive images for the well-known tale in his age through his skillful technique and inexhaustible imagination."
Shaka Goichidaiki Zue is online at the Independent Administrative Institution, National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, Tokyo. (easiest is to click 'IMG DIR 1' & 2 for thumbnail page views)

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