Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Russian Visual Arts

Viktor Mikhailovich Vanetsov
"Bogatyri" [Knights]
Published in Mir iskusstva. 1899, no. 1-12

Nikolai Konstantinovich Roerich [Rerikh]
"Boi" [Battle]
Published in Zolotoe runo. 1907, no. 4

Nikolai Stepanov
"Evropeiskoe ravnovesie" [European equilibrium]
Published in Karikatury 1855

Mstislav Valerianovich Dobuzhinskii
"Staryi sad zimoi" [Old garden in winter]
Published in Tsarskoe Selo v tsarstvovanie imperatritsy Elizavety Petrovny. SPb., 1910

Russian Visual Arts: Images from the UK Arts and Humanities data service (Visual Arts). The dropdown menus are kind of annoying. To see everything I think you need to go through all of the categories - I don't think there's any way to load all the thumbnails at once and also, I don't think that each theme contains all the images.
[There are large images available at the bottom of the pages linked below the images here - or click the images here for slightly larger versions]

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