Thursday, October 06, 2005


(detail): "from William Funnell's A Voyage Round the World.
Containing an Account of Captain Dampier's Expedition
… in the Years 1703 and 1704 London: W. Botham for J. Knapton, 1707."

Thanks to the magnanimous Sylwester (who runs a very fine establishment) for reminding me to revisit Linda Hall Library of Science, Technology and Engineering. I was impressed enough (again) to go read their 'about' page which states fyi:
"Linda Hall Library is an independent public library of science, engineering and technology located on a 14 acre arboretum in Kansas City, Missouri. The public is welcome to use the collections on site without cost. The Library is used extensively by companies, academic institutions and individuals throughout the world. The Library was established by the wills of Herbert and Linda Hall and opened in 1946."

I'm really starting to think that it is the best online science exhibition site, bar none.

(detail:) "Islanders in Boat off Tahiti from An Account of the Voyages ...
in the Southern Hemisphere ... by Captain Cook.
Edited by John Hawkesworth.
Printed for W. Strahan and T. Cadell, 1773.

(detail:) "Couscous à grosse queue, fem. (Waigeo Island)
Voyage Autour du Monde…
sur la Corvette…La Coquille Pendant les Années 1822-1825:
Paris: Arthus Bertrand, 1825-39."

Linda Hall have a really good exhibition, Voyages: Scientific Circumnavigations 1679-1859, in which they review the explorations of about a dozen of the foremost seafaring folk of yore, with a great set of visual accessories to the moderate level of explanatory text. This would be a primary source if I was trying to motivate a young person to get an interest in science AND history. I was surprised how long it held my (usually very short) attention (span). First rate illustrations as well. Am I sounding like a salesman for Linda Hall? Now that would be a cushy job.

(detail) "from A Continuation of A Voyage to New Holland,
e-c. in the year 1699 ...London: By W. Botham for J. Knapton, 1709"

[full size]

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