Wednesday, October 26, 2005

The Quest to Marry Word and Image

Belgian Jean de Bosschère (1878-1953) was a poet, painter, art critic, author but best known as a book illustrator. Many of his projects involved books of his own, often published privately in limited editions. Into these illustrations de Bosschère poured his full artistic energies, holding them in higher regard than the prolific works he produced commercially. They approached for him the poète graphique ideal for which he aimed. His images tend towards the fantastic or even grotesque at times and they are surely evocative.

John Anzalone of Skidmore College in conjunction with the Center for Educational Technology present a website devoted to the book illustrations and artistic works of Jean de Bosschère, with primary focus on de Bosschère's own books. There really is little in the way of other information about him on the web save for the odd bibliograhical mentioning, although there are other examples of his output around.
[The works remain © Alain Bilot, heir to the estate of Jean de Bosschère's widow.]

UPDATE (June 2011): See this BibliOdyssey post (with the original images!) via the WaybackMachine.


  1. Thanks for posting this. I've never heard of this artist/author. The drawings are very interesting, and I'm now curious to see how the writing corresponds.

  2. I am an admirer of Bosschère's work and would love to see this post resurrected (the images do not currently load).

  3. Yeah. This was back in my early 'baby-steps ignorant hot-linking' days unfortunately.

    I'll take your encouragement on board and I'll have a think about a do-over. It's usually my policy not to revisit the early posts because it's like a photo of the blogging education process and it's better to leave mistakes and naive steps stay around for posterity.

    But thanks for the prompt!

  4. Actually Graham, you can see what the post used to look like via the wayback machine.


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