Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Plakāts Latvijā

While not strictly book related (more a part of the Odyssey) I came across an extensive collection of Latvian posters which I thought were worth sharing. Despite having a framed interface, it's a fine website with english available.

So from the Latvian Digitālo Bibliotēku site, there are posters from 1899-1945 covering:

Exhibitions; Theatre, Cinema & Circus; Song Festivals; Festivals, Sports & Tourism; Press Publications, Books; War, Social Protection; Elections; Organizations, Parties; Social Issues; Food-Stuffs; Cosmetics; Tobacco; Commodities; Transport; Advertizing Agencies.

There's also a section with different headings covering 1945-2000 but I'm not linking all the individual thumb pages.


  1. "Mēs atvainojamies...

    Pieprasītā lapa neeksistē vai arī to nevar parādīt.

    Lūdzu vēlreiz pārbaudiet tīmekļa adresi vai lietojiet meklēšanas funkciju, lai atrastu meklēto.

    Ja jūs zinat, ka šī ir pareizā tīmekļa adrese, bet sastopat kļūdu, tad lūdzu kontaktējaties ar lapas administrāciju.


    we're sorry. the page you asked for doesn't exist or else we cannot show it.

    please check the address again or use the search function to find what you are looking for.

    if you know that this is the correct address, but still have errors, then please contact the administrators"

  2. Ubu, try this address - I knew the address had changed and I have been planning on making a new post.........some time!


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