Friday, October 14, 2005

One War Artist

JM was a member of the Royal Horse and Royal Field Artillery and he was stationed in France and Belgium in 1917 and 1918. He survived the war and presented his 2 artbooks to his daughter Adele. That is about all that is known. But whether caricature or faithful rendering, ink or watercolour, JM's sketchbooks contain a sizeable number of funny or poignant or solemn depictions of the great war. (inadvertently via)

Both sketchbooks have been digitized and are hosted by British Columbia's University of Victoria Special Collections website.


  1. Thanks for this link!

    Did you notice that the illustration on the front of Volume One features a ship painted in dazzle camouflage?

    This was a delightful bit of synchronicity for me---I had just been talking to students about dazzle camouflage this semester and how hard it is to find colour images of the ships.

  2. It is a beautiful set of sketches, the more poignant because of lack of background to the work I think.

    You made me go back and look Mina - I hadn't noticed the boat camo. Glad it's of use.



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