Monday, October 24, 2005

Mushroom Magic

Lewis David von Schweinitz moved to Germany from America when he was 18 and he met Professor Albertini at the Moravian Theological Seminary. They studied fungi from the local area and in 1805 published Conspectus Fungorum in Lusatiae superioris agro Niskiensi crescentium e methodo Persooniana. Schweinitz provided 940 watercolour paintings of fungi for the 5 volume work.

The Ewell Sale Stewart Library at the Academy of Natural Sciences have about 500 Schweinitz mycological watercolours on display. This is a ~25Mb pageload, incompatible with firefox.


  1. Here&#8217:s another nice set of illustrated fungi.

  2. Oh yeah, they are good. I saw them in passing a couple of weeks ago but had a more indulgent look today. Excellent.


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