Friday, September 16, 2005

St Gallen Abbey Library Manuscripts

Robert Monarchus: The Illustrated Crusades 1465
The Codices Electronici Sangallenses (CESG) project is digitizing many of the 2100 manuscripts held by the St Gallen Abbey, Switzerland - 400 of them from before 1000 A.D. An initial aim is to upload a representative selection of 130 codices of which about 30 complete works now appear to be online. Very high resolution images are available for each page and some english background to the works and project is provided. More information is available if you read german.

The St Gallen Abbey itself was founded in the 8th century and was used as a religious institution for a thousand years. It is listed as a World Heritage site and is run by the Catholic church and the library is still in use. The baroque interiors are breathtaking from the pictures that are around.

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