Monday, April 14, 2008

Fragmenta Botanica

Aloe Serra

Sida graveolens Sweet, Florida Keys Indian mallow

Brownea grandiceps

Hæmanthus toxicarius

Phœnix reclinata - Senegal Date Palm

Dolichos sanguineus

Melanthium ciliatum

Melanthium ciliatum a

Pink-White flower sprig

Palma thebaica

Palma thebaica a

Palma thebaica b

Red, Pink and cotton-topped flowers

"Fragmenta Botanica, figuris coloratis illustrata :ab anno 1800 ad annum 1809 per sex fasciculos edita /opera et sumptibus Nicolai Josephi Jacquin" at Botanicus.

An easy way to see thumbnails of the illustrations - Illustrated Garden.

Splicing screencaps together whiled away a wet sunday arvo'. I posted a couple of humble Oxalis images by Jacquin previously. I wouldn't describe his approach as dispassionate necessarily, but Jacquin treats his subject matter equally, whether it's a rose or a weed. Elegance for all.

1 comment:

  1. It's spring here in the northern hemisphere and these botanical prints are inspiring. I feel the need to go plant something. Thank you for finding them.


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