Monday, February 04, 2008

Rulers of Hungary
















'Mausoleum Potentissimorum ac Gloriosissimorum Regni Apostolici Regum et Primorum Militantis Ungariae Ducum' (Mausoleum of the Most Powerful Kings and Dukes of Hungary) by Ferenc Nádasdy, 1664.

The book appears to cover the rulers of Hungary from the tenth century up until the time of publication. See: List of Hungarian rulers at Wikipedia. The final image depicts Saint Stephen, the first King of Hungary (1000 AD) whose right hand survives as a religious relic.

The images above come from Wolfenbüttel Digital Library but there is another version of the book (easier to run through all the names) at the University of Mannheim.

Just by the by, the author happens to be the son of the infamous mass murderer, Elizabeth Báthory.


  1. Odd how they all look as though they lived pretty much simultaneously except for Saint Stephen, who looks somewhat more medieval although not really tenth-century. (Not that this should be any surprise given the tendency to dress everyone in contemporary clothing.)

    The thought of Elizabeth (Erzsébet?) Báthory as a mother is unsettling to say the least.

  2. After taking a look at the Wikipedia link on the murderous one, I find there to be quite a leap from the description of the competent noblewoman running things in the count's absence to the sudden accusations of mass murder. Which isn't to say she wasn't guilty, but it's all a bit mystifying. Sounds a bit like Gilles de Retz, except the documentation seems better on him.

  3. They all wear the exact same pair of boots (well, nearly all) I just noticed. I'm not sure about the historical accuracy of the costumes. Nonetheless, their eccentricities were what drew my attention originally.

    I'm not so sure either that anything much can be concluded about Báthory with any certainty. The facts, if they were ever known, meld into the tortured confessions, hearsay and folkloric legends that sprang from the whole episode.

  4. "Books~~Illustrations~~Science~~History~~Visual Materia Obscura~~Eclectic Bookart."

    Then you should did this lill' YouTube film/research by moi.

  5. I'm sure that will appeal to some people Tor, but I had to turn it off before my ears started bleeding.

  6. Just stumbled on this blog, what a brilliant little find. Really inspiring images, the kind of thing i spend ages searching for every now and again yet never find.
    Kind regards, i'm gonna take a look round the rest now!

  7. Oh, I think we can assume there is no historical accuracy at all in the costuming, beyond perhaps what the artist's grandfather wore. But that doesn't take away the charm of their outfits. For that matter, maybe I am assuming too much fashion operating in the Hungarian context, as some of the hats look just like hats I saw at the Budapest Christmas market in 2006. I was sorely tempted to get one. Hungarian folk costume has considerable flair. (Next time I find myself in Budapest, I intend to restock my wardrobe with felt coat, leather hat, etc.)

  8. I'm pretty sure the second picture is of the infamous Attila the Hun, the "Scourge of God". This would be, what, fourth or fifth century?

  9. Makifat, it's not Attila, I'm about 99.67382011113% sure. The book starts with 10th cent. rulers and goes sequentially up to the date of publication. Athila was a Duke, not a King.

  10. It was the "Flagellum Dei", i.e., Scourge of God, that gave me that impression...

    Seems kind of odd that these words would appear on this picture.

  11. Makifat, I have changed my mind and believe you are correct. Although this post is *nearly* out of my memory I obviously hadn't searched around properly. This page [trans] appears to provide supporting evidence. Sorry about that and thanks for persisting!

  12. Thanks, it just seemed to make sense.

    I really just want to tell you how much I enjoy your site. The illustrations are fantastic, and are well worth the time it takes the site to load!


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