Monday, May 15, 2006

The Shell Book

2 years before his death in 1797 Joachim Johann Nepomuk Anton Spalowsky issued the remarkable treatise on conchology, Prodromus in Systema Historicum Testaceorum. It was published with both latin and german text and the 13 plates were engraved and coloured by hand in water colour and gouache, often with gold and silver leaf beneath the paint to produce an effect resembling iridescence.

Spalowsky was from the present day Czech Republic and was a surgeon for the civic military in Vienna and a member of the Royal Science Society of Prague. He was wide ranging in his authorship, producing works on poisonous plants, economics and numismatics, birds and mammals. Following his death, Spalowsky's wife found a patron in Prinz Carl Ludwig whom I presume assisted in selling the unsold copies. The lasting value of the work is in the illustrations although Spalowsky did provide descriptions for some new species of molluscs.

The Smithsonian Institution have a complete copy online of an 1801 edition (containing a dedication to Ludwig) of Prodromus in Systema Historicum Testaceorum in large format with biographic and bibliographic details.
[I cleaned up some of the background in the above image details]


  1. Beautiful illustrations! Thank you for posting about this. Really interesting blog

  2. Thank you! very inspiring. Do you do some art?

  3. Thank you.


    Would it were I had the craft
    to etch or draw some switch of art
    To leave my mark upon the world
    in beauty through my hand unfurled

    But my mind's eye although replete
    with visions vivid and complete
    Has so far failed to understand
    just how to transport thought to hand

    Instead I choose to sublimate
    the muse within through cut 'n' paste
    And should the crops and dabs succeed
    the artiste within smiles vicariously

    If we all had gifts to share
    of genius paintings full of flair
    No sifting for the cream required
    then this BibliOdyssey would be retired ;- )

  4. This is one of my favorite blogs! Collage? I love it! love your poetry.......


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