Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Russian Folk Prints

Serpo Didlo - the most wondeful from the giants.

Eruslan Lazarevich - Glorious, Strong and Brave Knight.

Husband amuses his wife.

The New Song

The Argument between a Big Nose and the Strong Frost.

Rats and Mice Bury a Cat

Anika the Brave Soldier

Fairy-tale on how a workman swindled a devil.

Silliness for a Joke. As animals with birds bury a hunter ...

General Toptygin

'Russkii Narodnyi Lubok' 1860-kh - 1870-kh g.g. ; al'bom
at NYPL (17 thumbnail pages) [previous lubok]


  1. These prints are very inspiring to me. Someday, I hope to create a larger beaded tapestry that tells a story, so I find the Rats and the one of the Dragon & Knight particularly interesting. Thank you for taking the time to post them:)

  2. You are going way to fast for me to all absorb this in a decent manner :-)

    Is it true then that life is about making decisions?


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